Hey Bland,
Thanks for stirring the shit in this chat room. I've quite enjoyed reading all the same old ethical debates, and I'm sure the latest stink out at Dishman will get a few more Spokane climbers off the couch, if only to rap the dishman cliff with a sledgehammer or crowbar.
I'm sure you know where my opinions lie on the subject, but despite my traditional ethics I've quite enjoyed climbing at dishman this spring and summer, in fact more than ever before.
I know you're not solely or even mostly responsible for "Bionic Crag" (formerly dishman, but rebuilt it is faster, stronger, better), but thanks for giving those of us who like to think we're purists a target for our frustration.
I'd like to kick your ass for your desecrations, but last time I got in an argument with you over ethics we were in a certain trailer park in a certain place that rhymes with "Sweat-aline Balls" and I took the worst beating of my life so far. So have your way with any cliffs you want, as long as it's for the greater good.
by this I mean...
(More climbers in the parking lot at Dishman =
Less Prostitutional parking and fewer discarded condoms
More climbers at dishman =
fewer people discarding old vehicles and appliances at
P.S. is the Chimney route that is pictured above the one that you wet your pants and cried like a girl trying to bail off of? or have you been back since to have another 2 pitch day and alienate another partner?
I jokes, I'll hold the gri-gri for you any day my friend, as long as I don't want to climb too.
tick marks are for sissies and alzheimer's