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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. A story about helmets for those who have nothing better to do with our lives on a nice sunny afternoon when we should be on the summit of Mt. Index or similar places:

    The first time I ever wore a helmet mt biking I became a fan - you see, I was showing off for my girlfriend (hey ladies!)at the top of this long ass logging road by riding over the top of these bushes on the side of the road, just like a little monster truck RRRRRRRRRR!!!. Pretty soon, the other guys are tired of my antics and want to race down to the truck. I tighten my chin strap on my shiny new helmet and launch into the pedals furiously shifting gears unitl I am out in front with my brother in law gaining on me. mad.gif Problem was - one of those little bushes I was crushing earlier thought it would be funny to release the quick release on my front wheel and not mention it. I hit a little bump in the road and went airborn - except the front tire, it just kept rolling right on down the road. shocked.gif We figured I was doing about 35 mph when I landed on top of my head (my ninja roll didn't quite work). confused.gif The impact broke my helmet all to pieces but I lived (duh) w/ a seperated shoulder. I didn't win the race either. frown.gif

    2 lessons to take home for the kids

    1. dont show off because in the end you look like a moron flying throught the air with a broken bicycle and have to walk a long way to the trucks.

    2. wear your helmet especially if you are showing off or have been earlier that day.

  2. On the subject of snafflehounds, (like all good rednecks) I have a mid sized "live trap" which is basically a cage with a spring loaded front door. You would throw some bait in there and just wait.....SPROING!

    You guys are welcome to pack it in with you to rid the earth of these blatent varmits. I wont be responsible for the fine you might get for "harassing wildlife" althougth you could claim self defense. mad.gif

  3. I don't know what that arrow is for but, I havent used it yet confused.gif

    Seems to me, you guys have 2 issues here kind of rolled into one fat stinking mess.

    1. Butt headed, pompus, swat team wanabee ranger dude in a position of power who chooses to abuse it while enforcing laws.

    2. Being upset about having to pay again to park in a parking lot and hike on trails we paid for already (if you pay income tax) rolleyes.gif .

    on #1 I have encountered guys like that who are judges, attourneys, contractors, workers, cops and rangers. It sucks but it is a fact of life that you will have to deal with one eventually. I applaud your efforts to fight to get this punk in some sort of trouble, I sounds like he is a consistent abuser. mad.gif

    on #2, I buy the damn parking permit so I don't end up having to pay the $150 fee. I think there are enough taxes to pay for this stuff but don't care to get into that. shocked.gif

  4. Mystic Macho:

    I kind of wish you hadn't re-opened this can of worms, but, I'll bite because - I am bored.

    In my opinion, most "old school" climbers aren't "anti-sport" just "anti-bolt". It appears we agree on anti bolting. Being somewhat of a "newbie" myself, I am really surprised the enviro's, (I am a self proclaimed conservationalist, or fence sitter in political speak rolleyes.gif ), haven't made more of an effort to stop bolting in any publicly owned lands. If you can't climb it with-out bolts, maybe you should leave it alone or climb somewhere that is already bolted.

    I have clipped bolts and will in the future but, I would rather go on a hike or trail run if I can't go trad climbing. It's all good and if any of this reply or anything on this website offends you (as it apparantly has) feel free to find another, you're taking peoples opinions way too seriously. tongue.gif

  5. I agree with both of you on the necesity of a rear tie in loop on a harness. For harnesses without, what does one think of taking a short sewn runner (8") doubling it up and sliding it onto the back of the waist belt for a haul/tie in loop? It would be plenty strong and it seems the only concern would be how to keep it from sliding around ( stitch or duct tape baby!).

  6. ehmmic:

    Yes they may be hurting (if they are a baby) but the point was if you have a hard shell and you arent hurt, you can proceed with adequate protection for your fat melon. If you're wearing the bicycling helmet, granted it's better than nothin', but it's probably broken and not going to protect your noggin very well if you take another hit.

  7. The petzl helmet "meteor" is similar to a bicycle helmet with a foam liner. Supposedly only good for one good hit then throw it away and buy a new one. Pretty inconvenient if you are on the 2nd pitch of a 20 pitch alpine climb, if you were to ask me.

  8. Missed this thread while on vacation.

    I know an old gezer log home builder who drives a 87' Mercury Grand Marquie with mud tires on both axles. This would be a great mountain car. you can haul 8 climbers and sleep 4 in the trunk (no rangers would look for you in there). Terrible mileage but great ride and power. Clearance is comprable to the Subaru generally come with leather interior which is very durable and killer stock stereo systems. This car would turn some heads at the trail parking lots.

  9. I read an "extreme sports" poll in the 9/23 Seattle PI of what "extreme sports" Amerikans participated in most over the last year. Thought I would post what I could rememeber as I can't find the poll anywhere.

    1. 400,000,000 ROLLERBLADING!!!(i made up the number, but it was a lot)

    6. 6,000,000 INDOOR WALL CLIMBING

    Way down at the bottom slightly less than 2,000,000 Mountain/Rock Climbers.

    Point is, well, I don't have one, I just found the poll interesting to know I was outnumbered 3 to 1 by indoor plasic pullers.

  10. Eddie:

    It depends on if they are screaming at the top of thier lungs "ROOOOOOOCK" i will make myself small against the wall, if it is more of a casual "ehh - rock dude" I will scope it out to either dodge it or take it like a man in the teeth. rolleyes.gif

  11. Anyone have one of these newer type Petzl harneses Calidris or Corax? I am looking for an all around (craggin, alpine, trad, ice) harness. Have an older REI harness that has served me well, but want something a little more comfy to hang in.

  12. Pro Mountain Sports was closing out their stock of HB cams for $35 per cam, regular price of $55. I don't know if they have any left.

    From what I understand the Robots don't have cam stops which means you can't use them for passive pro. I dont know why you would haul cams around only to use them as passive pro, but that is what I have read on the Robots.

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