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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


    Trask = Ewok up a Scout Walker's leg Dru = the dude in the bar with the funky bent head.
  2. Dru


    college degree (even in progress) is a big help on your resume.
  3. Dude that took like 2 seconds to find...
  4. Dru

    NZ in January

    Yup remember, Wanaka* is Squamish to Queenstown's Whistler. stay out of Queenstown, and when the midnight movie gets out in Wanaka, you can get fresh pies from the back window of the bakery as you walk back to the campsite from the baker guy who works the night shift. Mmmmm pies. * Rhymes with Hannukah, not Slacker. I had trouble saying it right at first.
  5. Trask you sound like Michael Moore!
  6. Dru

    BD Alpine Bod

    I can put my nuts in my mouth too but i prefer to rack em
  7. Dru


    Lworth with Fern, Erik and E Rock was pretty fun. Up at Bathtub dome with Bob Marley's green dreadlocks
  8. Dru

    BD Alpine Bod

    You totally right about the Ice Screws. snoboy trashed a pair of Arc'deadbird bibs with his screws racked and i lost 2 screws last yr with stupid biner unclips. As for the harness covered with pack issue that is one thing it is good to remember when you get a new alpine climbing pack - does the pack cover the gear loops, if so, can i put gear loops on the pack waistbelt. if not guess you are using a shoulder sling or two.
  9. Dru

    NZ in January

    Coromandel on N Island. Wanaka on S Island. I hear the Whanganui Journey is a good 4 day paddle down a flat river too thru thejungle.
  10. Yeah who would know aside from Beckey? And if it is still unclimbed I bet he will clam up too.... And that E one is the one with the unclimbed 650m east buttress out of Perry Creek....
  11. we are aliens, according to Erich von Daniken.
  12. That view has largely been debunked by the better paleoclimate records referenced above. Certainly war, etc. did take place but had the cultures in question not been already reeling from drought, starvation etc it is questionable whether they would have been finished off. And of course the Minoans were wiped out when Thera blew up! But anyways yeah - keep on keeping on like you do - then when your civilaztion is starving and dehydrated us well-watered Canadian barbarians can sweep down and deliver the coup de grace. And after that you can bet there will be none of this passport garbage next time I wanna go to Josh for a few weeks.
  13. Dru

    NZ in January

    The Coromandel Peninsula is a nice place to burn a few days at the end of trip before flying out of Auckland. Bush hiking and cool beaches with stingrays. Check out Hot Water Beach, there are natural hotsprings in the sand of the beach - you take a shovel and dig out your own pool. Great for warming up in between bodysurfing the break.
  14. Dru

    NZ in January

    N Buttress of Sabre is in The Darrans near Milford Sound. It takes ~ 4 hrs to hike in to the base (some snow and ice to cross and 4th class scrambling) and there is a beautifully equipped bivy rock cave built up with benches etc - Phils Bivy, sleeps 6, dry in even the hardest rains.
  15. Lets not forget that the main cause of previous civilizations collapsing (Inca, Maya, Sumerian etc.) was largely climate changes & subsequent droughts, sandstorms etc. The USA was recently ranked lowest in the world (178 out of 178 or something) when it came to responsible water use. Wasteful and archaic water laws favoring inherently inefficient and wasteful water use (largely by agriculture) were largely to blame for this poor ranking. Put the two facts together and where does it leave you? Remember what goes around comes around.
  16. shouldnt this thread be under ice conditions. some dude driving around in a f350 with two sleds in the back wondering where the ice is
  17. News Story
  18. Dru

    BD Alpine Bod

    Who needs alpine Bod when you got a bag of alpine Bud
  19. Dru

    BD Alpine Bod

    You mean like "Lucky Lager will get you just as drunk as that microbrew"
  20. Dru

    BD Alpine Bod

    In fact why would you wear an Alpine Bod when you could get a Sky Pilot? It is the Instructional type harness used by lots of gyms. Basically the old Black Ice but with 2 loops instead of 4 and no holster slots.
  21. Dru

    BD Alpine Bod

    Arcteryx makes removable gear loops for the Sky Pilot harness that you can put on any harness. You can get a pack( 2 of them) at MEC for $2.50 CDN. Also works well for adding gear loops to a pack like Serratus Genie.
  22. Ed Abbey
  23. Fern Right, my bad
  24. Looking at this peak in my Red Beckey last night. I see the SE Spire has 2 summits of almost equal height and the first ascent route goes to the W'ern of them. Does anyone know if the E'ern one is still unclimbed? If so it might be the highest unclimbed pk in Washington?
  25. Dru


    I see W. Nelson was on a list of celebs (along with Penn) who signed a petition opposing war with Iraq just a few days ago. Izzat what you mean by See The Light?
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