Easy man, I wasn't looking for a fight. I'm not suggesting for a complete boycott of sites like barrabes or sportextreme. In all honesty, if I was in the market for a really expensive piece of gear, like say, ice tools, I'd probably shop barrabas too, because I certainly don't have a very heavy wallet. Technical climbing goods don't have a huge margin anyway for retailers, so they wouldn't make that much money off my purchase in this case anyway. All I was doing with my post was to raise the point that these sites DO have a negative impact on retailers. From what I understand (I'm sure someone out there knows more about this than me--Fat Kid?), sellers in Europe can get away with smaller margins because the market is just so much larger there than it is here. That is why you can buy a pair of La Sportiva boots direct from these sites often for LESS than shops in the US can buy them wholesale. The reasons I advocate supporting small gear shops are similar to why I try to avoid buying guidebooks published by Falcon or any other large publisher whenever I can. I'd rather buy from the local guy, and have my money go back into the local climbing community to help with crag upkeep and the like.
I know I'm not exactly the biggest advocate for cut-throat capitalism in the world (in fact, if you called me a communist I'd probably be flattered), but I just believe it is worth it to sometimes go out of the way to support the little guy--in any market, not just climbing. It isn't charity, it just helps keep the playing field level, and also gives poor, lazy college kids like myself a cool place to work in the summer!