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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/19 in all areas

  1. minor points: climbing related advice Early on someone mentioned Vantage as a good place for the newbie gear leader to learn. No! This is not good advice. Vantage is steep. Thus, finding enough good stances to concentrate on the new task of placing gear is not easy to do. Not to mention that the rock quality is dubious. People talked about climbing with internet blind dates. Some are willing, some aren't. Let me tell you this, if you post more TR's however insignificant (they don't all have to be as good as Uncle Tricky's) you clue people in to your abilities, and makes these blind dates less blind. Outer Space is not a good climb to bring climbers of unknown (or known lesser) abilities. The crux is a traverse people!! And the pitch after has a long runout traverse. Also the original start and the Remorse start have unprotected traverses. Plus if someone fell at the crux, there is not a good way to get back on the climb even if they weren't hurt. Rapping versus lowering from the non-anchor. Highlander hit it best. Downclimb, trying not to weight the anchor. Rapping would appear a poor choice since she would have to untie from the rope to set up the rap, then she wouldn't even have the lower pieces to protect her. Lowering is not going to make that big a difference on the placements, bodyweight vs. 1.67*bodyweight. You'd have to be pretty lucky/unlucky to find an anchor where one of those would hold and the other wouldn't.
    1 point
  2. OK I just read this WHOLE damn thing and I'm gonna pipe up before it gets removed again. Main point: People bashed the meanie naysayers, and the bashers had a point. Not because their meanieness was mean though, but because their meanieness rendered their messages negatively effectual. After the first couple of jerky posts, Anna came back on and sounded emboldened! When Chips toned down his act it appeared much more effectual. Perhaps this is a lesson for the posters of this board to heed? Next point: Climbing is dangerous! When someone comes online and posts about how they almost killed themselves, there are a lot of ways to respond, but in my opinion, gushing about how climbing is so great, and encouraging that person to go right back out there, is NOT the thing to do. It's ANNA's business. She knows what's up with climbing and what she does and doesn't like about it. Let her decide. One really shouldn't be encouraging someone to participate in this inherently risky behavior.
    1 point
  3. Sorry for that. I guess I was most interested in your report of these "pussies" who fold like a house of cards in person. The way you write that makes it sound like you've witnessed this. Who were the folders? Name names!
    1 point
  4. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: You must be one of these pussies who acts all tough on the board and folds like a house of cards in person. I have heard you are actually quite a nice guy in person. Does that make you "one of these pussies"?
    1 point
  5. quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter:
    1 point
  6. I've been away from the board for a couple of days and check out the length of this thread! Looks serious too . Could somebody help me out here. Is this quarter K thread worth reading?
    1 point
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