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Republican thievery.


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Why do Republican Party candidates commit intellectual property theft? Kind of hard to claim your "law and order", holier then thou platform, while committing intellectual property theft left and right. Kind of hard to believe, you are actually going to uphold individual ownership rights, since one of the very first acts of these campaigns is usually a property theft. Using music without clearing property rights is nothing, but an act of theft.

Case 1

Trump- another stealing asshole

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Yes, I am pretty familiar with fair use laws, which btw does not apply to political events. Even more, besides licensing of the music, you actually have to receive a permission from the artist to use it. Yes, plenty Democratic dirtbags rip off artists as well. At least they don't run on tough on crime, holier then thou platform, like your beloved thieving republifucks. Anyway, any further discussion with you would be a solid waste of my breath.

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At least they don't run on tough on crime, holier then thou platform,


Tough on crime, all the time.. in any area where being "tough on crime" is going to net votes. Holier than thou, though? What the fuck are you even talking about?


Number one sign of a political idiot: someone who speaks in generalizations about Republicans and/or Democrats, as though there are any actual differences between the two.

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Yes, I am pretty familiar with fair use laws, which btw does not apply to political events. Even more, besides licensing of the music, you actually have to receive a permission from the artist to use it. Yes, plenty Democratic dirtbags rip off artists as well. At least they don't run on tough on crime, holier then thou platform, like your beloved thieving republifucks. Anyway, any further discussion with you would be a solid waste of my jizz breath.


Fixed that for ya :wave:

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Holier than thou, though? What the fuck are you even talking about?


Number one sign of a political idiot: someone who speaks in generalizations about Republicans and/or Democrats, as though there are any actual differences between the two.


I don't see Sanders or Clinton running on religious platform. Cruz is, so is Huckabee and Santorum.

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