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Your Forest Fees at Work!!!


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This story is too funny not to share.


So I took some friends up to Ingalls lake the other day for a hike. I "accidently" forgot to get a forest pass and my buddy was driving. When we reached that Y in the road were they have the pay box we stopped, contemplated the whole thing, and my buddy not having any cash on him put $1 in the box (instead of the $5 for the day pass) and we were on our way laughing our asses off.


On our way back to the parking lot we noticed a FS truck and first thoughts are shit we got a ticket. I hesitantly approach our car with an FS dude standing near it, I say hi to him, and start looking to see if we got a ticket. No ticket thank god, but the guy is kinda eyeing us and i'm like this better not be Larry the Tools brother/son. While taking my boots off I notice two FS guys doing something in the creek. I eventually go over to pump some water into my nalgene. As I'm getting my water I'm watching these guys and can't figure out what the hell they are doing, are they counting fish, making wading pools for fish, clearing out debrit? They look over eventually and I say hi, then ask what they are doing. "We're building a dam" one of the guys says. I'm a little confused by it and ask "Why are you doing that?" The dude gives me kind of a strange look and retorts "Just for the hell of it". Guys get up, walk over to the FS truck to their supervisor, get in and drive off.


I guess that's better than them giving us a ticket. [big Drink]

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On a similar subject I want to share something that I suggested about 8 months ago. Atleast one CC.comer thought I was joking...but I'm serious.


The plastic forest pass signs that they post at trail heads are made of a high grade UHMW plastic. it is the perfect material to make anti-snow plates for crampons. I used to use a dry silicon spray for my plates but the forest pass sign works so well that I never have to spray it anymore. Besides they are so easy and free to replace if rock scrapes start to build up.


It is up to you weather or not to put the sign facing out or in [laf]

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