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mountain veiw diner TR


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after an absolutly perfect day climbing at the town wall, [Cool] lula and i decided take that little road right from the parkinglot and cruize mellow style back to town, cool road by the way, anyway we missed our usual stop at zekes for meat to eat, and freaks to meet, so i remembered a little story mr. natural had told me about he and his pops getting destroyed on some giant fuckin burger at this spot we always drive past on hiway 2 the"mountain veiw diner". natural and me are somewhat of burger affacianatos, miners in yakima pretty much set the benchmark for pure size, and a meal there including a double big miner, fries and shake almost took the life of our completly blasted baked friend a few clicks back, vomiting was induced and luckily he made it... anyway natural told me of a sasquatch burger that put it to shame... i never really considered that possible and wrote it off to meat deficiency induced paranoia, [Roll Eyes] i was wrong. when we got there i scanned the menu for some sort of sasquatch thing, and found the bigfoot burger, huge burger huge bun 2 cheeses, all the fixins, etc. etc. at $8.00 i knew we were talkin somethin serious. i order the thing lula gets a classic and we wait in eager anticipation for this best to show its ugly face... the waitress comes are way and shes litterally tipping to the side under the strain in her left arm, oh fuck, what have i done? a bead of sweat rolls down my cheek as a smirk pops on her face. lula sees it first and exclaims looudly: holy shit!!! followed by laughter, [laf] i catch my glimpse and am truly humbeled, not even the steeps of index, can step to the intimidation i now feel, looking face to face at the biggest goddamn burger i've ever seen. [hell no] long story short, the bigfoot burger will kill you! [chubit] for those who eat for sport though, this is pretty full-on. i'm recuperating nicely and thinking about a nice big cup a black coffee, or better yet a vivache latte enema, yeah checkit next time youre on that state sponsored highway of death, you'll soon realize what they mean [big Grin] cheers bp

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Mr. Peru, the stack'o'cakes I reefered to was actually consumed at the Index Cafe. I wonder if it has changed with the ownership but the dinnerplate sized tripple stack was pretty rediculous. Erik, if I knew you had your bathroom rigged with potty cams I would have thought twice about using it, you sik fuk.

[Moon][chubit][big Drink]

oh yeah, I was the one who lost it shortly after eating at Miner's, not BT, although he was riding shotgun, crippled with hysterics as ther strawberry shake and pound of meat spewed forth.


[ 07-19-2002, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Mr. Natural ]

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