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Scarpa rock shoes


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I don't know what kind of service you are offering to us true gear whores....you got to slam the entire list down, so we can make a huge purchase in 1(one) trip! LOL. BTW, anyone want to buy from Aaron here, I'll vouch for his integrity. But is this stuff just slowly trickling out of the basement or what?


ps.'m a 41.5, and have too many shoes or I'd be on this, jus saying is all, might post it all at once....and a free bump to the top. :wave:

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I have been needing to off load this stuff for a while and with a demanding schedule and two small kids (back to school time of year)it has been tricky to commit the time I need to get a list together, but I will in the next few weeks as I need to keep it all on one page.


I need to have a gear YARD sale at my house, as I still have a ton of crap I mean gear to get into the hands of those who can and will use it.

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i too will vouch for Aaron as a fine seller of gear going to better uses. bought a second/third tool from him last week or so.


yeah I was almost going to ask you if there is some time a buddy and I can stop at an ATM and then head to your garage for 20 minutes of browsing and wallet deflation, hehe.


yard sale would be pretty awesome!



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Ya I had no idea if the MODs here would ban me for promoting a gear yard sale so I need to get a hold of em and ask them before the awesome Portland rain comes.


I have a lot of great stuff that needs homes, was thinking I could set the laptop out so buyers could access paypal in the event they get crazy and need the credit card, hahahaha.


thanks guys for the vote of confidence, glad to see this stuff will get some use.





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