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Protect Climber Access to Mt. Erie!


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Hey all-


The Anacortes City Council is having a meeting to discuss the draft 2009 ACFL Comp Plan: http://www.cityofanacortes.org/parks/documents/comp_plans/acfl_parks_comp_plan.pdf Although dry, you can skim it pretty quick.


Both the Access Fund and WA Climbers Coalition (Thanks Joe and Andy!) have concerns with the draft as it is now written. Basically, there is a provision to review and potentially close some access paths and also new routers will have to apply to a "committee" before they can install bolts. For groups that instruct there is a new $5 million dollar insurance requirement that will functionally shut most volunteer-based organizations (like WAC, Mountaineers, Skagit Alpine Club, etc.) out of Mt Erie.


Anyway, the city council will be taking comments on 9/8/09 at 7:30 pm in city hall. Written comments (email is fine) have to been in by 5pm on 9/8 to Jonn Lundsford (JonnL@cityofanacortes.org) at the City of Anacortes. I hope to see some folks there!




Jason Griffith

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$5 million dollar policy? I am not that current with guiding office stuff, but I seem to remember that guide services I worked for had a 1 or 2 million dollar policy. a $5 million policy would be very very expensive to have access to a small rock area. So it is not only the volunteer outfits shut out of erie.


Isn't erie tapped out as far as new routes go? Didn't Klokke climb and bolt every possible line imaginable there?


Sucks to hear about trails being shut down though. If Dallas Klooke is reading this, could you get a hold of me. I am trying to get some info from you but have lost your email.



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I went to the meeting in Anacortes last night. A good turnout by climbers and climbing organizations. AAI, Skagit Alpine club, Washington Alpine Club and others. It's not just the 5 million dollar insurance requirement, which AAI says is unavailable. They want a 90 notice of use, individual releases, hold harmless agreement, sanitation plan, parking plan, and distribution plan. It is squeezing out all the volunteer climbing classes. There was a friendly response from the council, but not sure how it will all fall out.

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