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TR - R&D in Icicle.


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My daughters were along mostly to see what they could win in the raffle at Rockfest. They did well.

But Sunday was about climbing their second multi-pitch climb - the mighty R&D route. :rocken: I had a 60 m rope and wanted to stay close anywy. So I tied into the middle and tied each of them to an end. That makes it an 8 pitch climb. :rolleyes:

They both got lots of practice removing gear. The 13 yr old belayed with gloves and a solid anchor for upward as well as downward yanks. I climbed to a belay ledge, placed a piece, clipped in, pulled the other rope up and clipped off my younger daughter, yelled 'off belay', pulled in the rope and put my older daughter on.

That way, even if they accidentally unclipped, they would survive. All in all, they had a great time. The younger is anxious to do more. The older is OK with doing shorter climbs from now on.

It was a fun day. :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:

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