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Sorry if this topic has already been posted elsewhere...I was too lazy to search..


A question to all you Index experts - In general, will things at Index be climbable after a week of rain? I know routes like Toxic Shock stay damp for awhile, but what about the lower town wall area? I'm thinking of routes like Roger's Corner, Godzilla, and Princely Ambitions.

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Godzilla seeps for a couple days at the start for a couple days after heavy rains, Rogers and BOC should be good. Go check out Tatoosh, it dries very quickly. Remember that the higher on the wall you get the drier it will be. However, The tree thinning at the base has allowed the wall to dry off sooner - A big thanks to the secret homeboy who did that.

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Index was a zoo Sat. Good to see people cooperating anyway. I went up and aided some 5.12 thing to get my gear placement back on track. Beautiful day.

Then hiked up to Lk Serene and spent the night. Many avalanches poured down the gullies all night and morning. Kept me from going around the lake or up the gulley to Main Index. Still had fun watching the chunks fly.

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Index was a zoo Sat. Good to see people cooperating anyway. I went up and aided some 5.12 thing to get my gear placement back on track. Beautiful day.

Then hiked up to Lk Serene and spent the night. Many avalanches poured down the gullies all night and morning. Kept me from going around the lake or up the gulley to Main Index. Still had fun watching the chunks fly.


How long do you think until the gulley melts out and the scramble becomes a climb? I've been wanting to get up that one of these days. I too was at Lk Serene on Saturday, so nice.

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It was melting fast but those cornices on the top were still gigantic. I watched a few dozen avalances come down from lower on the peaks. Seemed like nothing was coming from near the top.

If we get a cold period that drops below freezing, the gulley would be a cruise.

Otherwise, I am guessing it will be sloughing for 2 to 4 more weeks.

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