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[TR] Mt. Hood - Leutholds Attempt 10/12/2008


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Trip: Mt. Hood - Leutholds Attempt


Date: 10/12/2008


Trip Report:

This cold snap after some warmness made it seem like alpine ice might actually exist in Oregon. Got up at 2 am to drive up to Hood with Aili (sisu) and scout out the West Side of Hood and maybe go up Leutholds or the Reid Headwall. Got up to the Illum. saddle around dawn, roped up and headed down across the Reid Glacier. Everything is nice and open, but blown around powder has filled up some of the smaller crevasses and Aili got a leg into one of them. Everything is covered in nice fat blue plastic ice. At the bottom of Leutholds, we watched some unexpected watermelon-sized rockfall come down and the clouds closed in. Decided to wait it out for 15 to see if the winds and clouds went away at all and it only picked up. We turned around cause we're wusses that don't like rockfall or whiteouts.


No photos from the adventure cause the camera batteries don't like the cold one bit. But holy crap, so much alpine ice everywhere! The Reid Headwall and the Leutholds are in and are looking plenty thick. If anyone from PDX wants to go back up next weekend, shoot me a PM.


Gear Notes:

Brought a bit, only used a tool each and the rope.


Approach Notes:

Dodge snowboarders in plaid unitards. Seriously.

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