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Foot in Mouth Disease


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What makes me sick is that these days, a person doesn't have to be a racist, they just have to be accused of being one. It is the new Red Scare.


And Dem's are usually at the center of this accusation. Only now they are eating their own and showing their true colors. Where's my popcorn and a beer? This is gonna be great!

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i don't necessarily agree with her but i sure like that she's unapologetic.


and that's another one that bugs me. The fact that we often feel like we have to qualify our remarks with the "I don't agree with so and so, but" in order to say anything about that individual's stance.


Qualification: I am not making this personal to you, Minx. We all do it. I do it. Just did as a matter of fact.



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What makes me sick is that these days, a person doesn't have to be a racist, they just have to be accused of being one. It is the new Red Scare.


And Dem's are usually at the center of this accusation. Only now they are eating their own and showing their true colors. Where's my popcorn and a beer? This is gonna be great!

I call bullshit on this for one reason--because this is happening everywhere, even in our personal lives, not just in politics.

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I call bullshit on this for one reason--because this is happening everywhere, even in our personal lives, not just in politics.


and it all comes from the left.


look at any cc.com political thread and you'll see it. why that moron prole, dancing and shitting on the fresh grave of buckley, was calling him a racist, etc. argue against affirmative action, or illegal immigration -why you are racist. are you a conservative? racist. and blacks who are republicans? why, uncle tom's. let's mock condie and justice thomas now.


and now a big-mouth dyed in the wool lib makes a blatantly racist remark.


twist and burn, beyotches!

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I call bullshit on this for one reason--because this is happening everywhere, even in our personal lives, not just in politics.


and it all comes from the left.


look at any cc.com political thread and you'll see it. why that moron prole, dancing and shitting on the fresh grave of buckley, was calling him a racist, etc. argue against affirmative action, or illegal immigration -why you are racist. are you a conservative? racist. and blacks who are republicans? why, uncle tom's. let's mock condie and justice thomas now.


and now a big-mouth dyed in the wool lib makes a blatantly racist remark.


twist and burn, beyotches!

Doesn't this fly in the face of the "Oh, the liberal media is so biased, waaaa waaaa waaaaa" that we usually get from "the Repubs" ?
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i don't necessarily agree with her but i sure like that she's unapologetic.


and that's another one that bugs me. The fact that we often feel like we have to qualify our remarks with the "I don't agree with so and so, but" in order to say anything about that individual's stance.


Qualification: I am not making this personal to you, Minx. We all do it. I do it. Just did as a matter of fact.




Now you can get out the beer andn popcorm K

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Doesn't this fly in the face of the "Oh, the liberal media is so biased, waaaa waaaa waaaaa" that we usually get from "the Repubs" ?




Firstly, the media thrives on controversy and making a buck.


Secondly, the media, which leans strongly Democrat, is also, presumably just as split on the whole Obama vs. Hilary question as the rest of their party.



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i don't necessarily agree with her but i sure like that she's unapologetic.


and that's another one that bugs me. The fact that we often feel like we have to qualify our remarks with the "I don't agree with so and so, but" in order to say anything about that individual's stance.


Qualification: I am not making this personal to you, Minx. We all do it. I do it. Just did as a matter of fact.




Now you can get out the beer andn popcorm K


Let's be civilized. Can Minx and Archie, please settled this in a reasonable manner? Perhaps female oil wrestling?


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and it all comes from the left.


Oh how misinformed you are. Republican = racist.


oh kevbone...stfu.


dude way to make yet another blanket generalization.



arch-none taken. i shall clarify a bit though. i disagree with her statement b/c i don't think his current popularity has as much to do w/his race as it reflects the lack of acceptable alternatives.


i don't think her statement was racist. i think she was stating her view. she didn't say that he shouldn't be president b/c he's black.

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i don't necessarily agree with her but i sure like that she's unapologetic.


and that's another one that bugs me. The fact that we often feel like we have to qualify our remarks with the "I don't agree with so and so, but" in order to say anything about that individual's stance.


Qualification: I am not making this personal to you, Minx. We all do it. I do it. Just did as a matter of fact.




Now you can get out the beer andn popcorm K


Let's be civilized. Can Minx and Archie, please settled this in a reasonable manner? Perhaps female oil wrestling?


been there, done that. i broke a nail and archie's make up smudged. big PITA. we've decided from now on to settle these matters over beer and/or coffee during girls only nights out.

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and it all comes from the left.


Oh how misinformed you are. Republican = racist.


oh kevbone...stfu.


dude way to make yet another blanket generalization.



arch-none taken. i shall clarify a bit though. i disagree with her statement b/c i don't think his current popularity has as much to do w/his race as it reflects the lack of acceptable alternatives.


i don't think her statement was racist. i think she was stating her view. she didn't say that he shouldn't be president b/c he's black.

Agreed on all points.

And I don't think she said his current popularity was due to color, only that he wouldn't have gotten where he is now. She said the same about herself--that she wouldn't be where she was w/o being a woman.

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OMG! How original! the catfight comment.


Unfortunately, no one considers sexist comments career limiting. Please note that Ms. F also made many, many sexist comments. No one mentions that.


Well, there is gonna be (and already have been) a whole lot of racist and sexist comments made concerning the tight race between O and H. Feminists are pissed that they are losing their chance at the 1st female president, and Obama supporters are pissed that the "black man" is gonna get screwed again by the white establishment. Tempers are flaring and accusations are being made. It's great theater.



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you guys could take a lesson or two from archie and me. we disagree on things. interestingly we have whole very interesting discussions about them w/o ever once calling each other names.

ummmm, well, actually, I call you "Sexy Mama" behind your back.


that's OK, i told pink you're "Hawt Stuff". now he wants to meet you.

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