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Pro choice:

I think it is up to the woman COMPLETELY. If she wants to go (as you put it) murder her 8 week old zygote…..that is her prerogative.


Pro life:

I choose not to engage in that activity


The government should not be involved in this decision.


Now it is time for you to STFU.


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Pro choice:

I think it is up to the woman COMPLETELY. If she wants to go (as you put it) murder her 8 week old zygote…..that is her prerogative.


Pro life:

I choose not to engage in that activity


Kev, what if she chose to kill her newborn baby? Now, what if she killed it moments before it was born? What's your opinion on that?

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you're an embarrassment.


so you think its completely OK for a woman to kill the 8 week gestation fetus? What about 24 weeks? How about 36?


at what point is not OK? friggin hypocrite


Pro Life: you chose not to engage in that activity? Pro-Life has nothing to do w/choice. It is ANTI- choice. that's like being a little pregnant. you really can't have it both ways.



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Minx, why the hell do you think the boner is going to offer you any evidence of a cogent, coherent, intelligent thought?


i don't really. i just hate that boner is a self-proclaimed liberal and pro-choice. he gives the rest of us a bad name.

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i'm always interested to meet anti-choice folks who are for the death penalty.


I love that you call them anti-choice instead of pro-life. I have a crush on you now.


I've had a crush on minxie for a while now. Now I'm full-on, head-over-heels in wuv wif her. :kisss:


FWIW: Pro-choice, pro death penalty. And I don't even need them to have 3 strikes, neither. :provoke:





sobo, i lit a cross in dedication to you and minx new found love.

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so you think its completely OK for a woman to kill the 8 week gestation fetus?



God damn minx. This is the second time in one thread you have put words in my mouth…..I don’t recall saying it was OK. I said it is her choice. I am not OK with it but I would not stop her. I would never OK an abortion but I would never tell you ……that you cant.

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so you think its completely OK for a woman to kill the 8 week gestation fetus?



God damn minx. This is the second time in one thread you have put words in my mouth…..I don’t recall saying it was OK. I said it is her choice. I am not OK with it but I would not stop her. I would never OK an abortion but I would never tell you ……that you cant.


kevbone -- by saying it's her choice and doing nothing, you're implicitly condoning the action. i would not expect you to understand this.

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kevbone -- by saying it's her choice and doing nothing, you're implicitly condoning the action. i would not expect you to understand this.


That's cool; I don’t expect you to understand reason either.


Pink…..I will take the roses……I will place them on minx’s night stand……


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kevbone -- by saying it's her choice and doing nothing, you're implicitly condoning the action. i would not expect you to understand this.


That's cool; I don’t expect you to understand reason either.


Pink…..I will take the roses……I will place them on minx’s night stand……


reason kevbone? i understand the subtleties of real life but you clearly don't understand what slippery slope your position puts you ethically. logic is not filled with grey areas.


kevbone, and when you're done cleaning the house and making it look pretty, please leave dinner in the oven for us.



pink--happy climbing. i always like to encourage someone to reach their climbing potential. write a nice TR.

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sure kevbone, someday i hope you learn not chestbeat about every pitch you've ever climbed. i really hope you learn to enjoy not name dropping every chance you get. and i really really wish the best in bragging about every route you've ever bolted

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sobo, i lit a cross in dedication to you and minx new found love.


Fuhq! I go to work for an hour and a half and I come back and some 'tard is burnin' crosses in my front yard. Yeeesh!



FWIW pink, you cannot woo the likes of minx with dead vegetation and hydrogenated oils.

Get real.

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you're an embarrassment.


so you think its completely OK for a woman to kill the 8 week gestation fetus? What about 24 weeks? How about 36?


at what point is not OK? friggin hypocrite


Pro Life: you chose not to engage in that activity? Pro-Life has nothing to do w/choice. It is ANTI- choice. that's like being a little pregnant. you really can't have it both ways.



There's a difference between killing and murder. Our society sanctions the former (as does most other societies) under certain circumstances. The question is where to draw that line.



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you're an embarrassment.


so you think its completely OK for a woman to kill the 8 week gestation fetus? What about 24 weeks? How about 36?


at what point is not OK? friggin hypocrite


Pro Life: you chose not to engage in that activity? Pro-Life has nothing to do w/choice. It is ANTI- choice. that's like being a little pregnant. you really can't have it both ways.



There's a difference between killing and murder. Our society sanctions the former (as does most other societies) under certain circumstances. The question is where to draw that line.



an excellent point.

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