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Hmmm, perhaps "Ghey" is assuming everyone has facebook.




perhaps :blush:


didn't realize you had to log in to see...




The word "gay" is not a synonym for "stupid".

Group Info Name: The word "gay" is not a synonym for "stupid".

Type: Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes

Description: This is for EVERYONE-- male or female, straight, gay, inbetween, or otherwise,--everyone is is more than welcome to join this group. All members are appreciated!


Yes, the wall has been disabled until we have a better way to get rid of hateful comments. I've had it. If you're just going to insult us, don't join. It's that simple.




The admins reserve the right to enforce the rules and purpose of the group. If you have questions or concerns, E-MAIL them to us at the address listed at the bottom of the page.


This is just one group with one purpose, and that's to educate people that we believe "gay" should not be used as a synonym for the word "stupid." We're not trying to tell anyone that they can't use the word; we're just trying to inform them of why it can be offensive. While we do understand that there are other words out there (such as lame and retarded -- words which we, the admins, personally don't use,) that is not the focus of this group... if you wanted to raise awareness about said mentioned words, then I would encourage you to make a group about them.


And again, this group isn't trying to say that people can't use the word "gay" as a synonym for "stupid." We're simply trying to say that the term, used incorrectly, CAN offend people, and we're offering the suggestion that like all the amazing things that a human can overcome, people should at least consider that if they can understand why using "gay" incorrectly could be offensive, then perhaps they could try and deter themselves from using the word.


Essentially, there have been people that have joined this group and reported a change of heart and say that they're trying to make an effort to stop saying "gay" incorrectly. Not many, but there are a few, and that's all we could ask for... or just even someone acknowledging why their words could be hurtful would be reaching this group's goal.


It's not about being politically correct or trying to censor others... this group was solely created for the intent of informing others why the incorrect usage of the word "gay" can be hurtful.


This group is completely open to the opinions of others and new ideas, as long as they are respectfully written out (i.e. "You all are a bunch of fags; homosexuality is bad because the Bible says so," is neither respectful nor intelligent.) Like most people in this group, we all like a good debate in the discussion boards, or just discussing mutual (or different) opinions in general.


We hope that this has helped answer some questions that certain members of this group may have... and if not, please feel free to come back and ask and [we] shall try to help you resolve any conflicts with this group that you may have.


Thank you. = )


If you're going to make a post about how we should change the title of the group--don't--we can't change it, take it up with Facebook.


Here are some general rules so that everything in here stays relevant and generally ass-hat free.


Topics that simply state "well thought-out" opinions such as “This group is effing gay” will be deleted as soon as an admin spots them. People who join just to make these topics will be banned. So please, don’t waste our time and yours. This isn’t trying to stop you from stating your opinion, but please, make it productive.


This group isn’t condoning or condemning homosexuality. The goal is to point out that the term “gay” should not be used to describe things that are “stupid” because of the negative connotations it implies.


That having been said, don’t dump any kind of homophobic stuff here. It will do you no good. Furthermore, harassing and/or antagonistic threads and posts will be dealt with in the appropriate manner, i.e. deleted.


Don’t bring religion into this; it will avail you no good.


Yes. Language evolves, we all know that. So, to save you some time, check out this thread before you complain about linguistics and evolution.



So this doesn’t offend you. That’s great. We aren’t trying to make you start being offended by it. Just realize, that people do get offended by it. If no one were offended the group wouldn’t have the numbers that it does.


Don’t tell us to calm down.

No one is trying to stamp on your freedom of speech or censor you. To prove that here’s another link to another thread.



None of us like stating the same things over and over again. This group has been around for a while, and many of the same arguments have been brought up several times. There are a billion threads that have been created, and it would take the patience of a monk to go through them all.


So, before you make a new thread, here are some old ones in which some of your questions might be answered.



There are more important things to worry about:





Language Evolution:


1) http://uwec.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2205049197&topic=5197

2) http://hs.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2205049197&topic=1662

3) http://hs.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2205049197&topic=1694

4) http://uwec.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2205049197&topic=5183


Freedom of Speech:







Intention of the word:





Sarcastic threads along the lines of "don't use the word 'shoe' because it could offend people without feet!"




We realize there are other words that are equally offensive. We acknowledge that many facets of the English language have negative origins. We wanted to let you all know we were acknowledging that, and we don't need a list of all the other words we shouldn't use. This group is about ONE PHRASE, and if you have points of contention with other phrases we would recommend you making your own group devoted to them.


This is a video that was posted and made by one of our members. It is absolutely beautiful, so if you have an extra 5 minutes, we recommend you watch it.


Still have something to say? Ask away and you’ll get some answers, as long as you're civil about it.


Thanks for taking the time to read

Contact Info Email: mtkccd11@gmail.com

Street: Eleventeen Hippycrot Ave.

City: Newtopia, Antarctica


Recent News

"I'm sure others have said this, but I take issue with two of your assertions:


1) that it is "reasonable for gay to become synonymous with stupid"


2) that "ignorant" is being used as a slander.


To the first point, slang does not exist in a vacuum. Words are given meaning by the society in which they exist. The slang use of the word "gay" as synonymous with "stupid" is an unflattering (at best) and deeply insulting (at worst) comparison between people who are attracted to the same gender and people who are (in your own words) ignorant. It is rooted in societal homophobia, and serves to strengthen that homophobia by equating the scapegoats with ignorance--essentially blaming the victim. Similar semiotic moves were/are made toward African Americans (don't act like a n*); women (you throw like a girl); the Magyar people (I'm being gyp'd); Jewish people (don't Jew me); and the list goes on. Slang is not harmless; and it is not "incredibly reasonable." It is reflective (and often symptomatic) of the oppression in the society out of which it derives."


-Margaret Aymer Oget




PLEASE!! Please stop posting links to other groups in our threads. Privately message the members, but we are not out there to attack other groups. We know what it feels like to be attacked and do not enjoy it.




Any members who are specifically trolling the group

(intentionally posting messages about sensitive topics constructed to cause controversy in order to bait users into responding, planting images or data on networks that others may find disturbing in order to cause confrontation.)

will hereby lose any and all posting privileges. If members are only interested in baiting others into responding, rather than having an actual discussion, they have no place here.


Vocabulary term of the moment:

hypocrite (spelled H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E)

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings


PLEASE do not advertise on this group. Although your group/link/whatever may be very interesting, this group is not a giant billboard. At least contribute to the group first (it's only being polite) before you try.



*starting a NEW thread to advertise a group = NO *advertising a group that has no, or very little, connection to this group = NO.

*advertising a group, and never having contributed to the conversation(s) = NO (it's only being polite--let us know you actually exist!).

*BLATANT ADVERTISING will result in an outright BAN/REPORT.


THE ADMINS HAVE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT. Questions, comments, complaints, and suggestions may be sent to mtkccd11@gmail.com.



your friendly neighborhood admins, maddi, tess, katy, catherine, cory, dave,abandon, the kates, ben and keiff, jareth

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