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I'd venture that the icon and the "poo-bah" are probably both the results of the most recent software upgrade...


The smiley face shows up when you're logged in to the forum and browsing. Otherwise it shows you as having a gray "sleeping" face.


And the new software probably also trashed the custom title settings... I see for example that mattp is no longer an Alpine Buddy but merely a sprayer...


Of course one of the forum admins can probably give a more definite answer.

Edited by mkporwit
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Partly correct. The upgrade did indeed trash the custom titles, and has replaced them with the default titles based upon post count (see the FAQ). You could prolly get one of the mods to give you your custom title back, but I have seen that when they do that, you will have two titles (the default and the custom) and they can't do anything about it. It's in the software.


The face thingie is the "moodz" that everyone's been asking about. Go the the upper right of your screen, where it says [Log out] and you will see a matching face. Click on the "down arrow" and you can select a new mood. If you are offline, you get the gray sleeping graemlin.


Your welcome.

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pooh-bah ( ) n.

An official or leader who maintains full control as by holding several offices.


A pompous ostentatious official, especially one who, holding many offices, fulfills none of them.


High-muck-a-muck: an arrogant or conceited person of importance.



Sounds like most of those who post on a regular basis...

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1. a person with the ability or power to use, control, or dispose of something: a master of six languages; to be master of one's fate.

2. an owner of a slave, animal, etc.

3. an employer of workers or servants.

4. the male head of a household.

5. a person eminently skilled in something, as an occupation, art, or science: the great masters of the Impressionist period.


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