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"Icy BC" (top) question


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I am a bit confused upon reading the guidebook:

1 is "Hit and Run" pretty much the same route as "Air Care", but going 5 meters higher to the top of the cliff? (and if so, why name the same route twice?)

2. is "Fender Bender" pretty much the left side of Icy BC? or is there another pillar between "Air Care" and "Icy BC"?

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Hey Bob,

getting keened up about the upcoming season, i see.

1. yes, Hit and Run and Air Care both climb the ice in the corner at the left end of the upper tier at Marble Canyon. given the completely different nature of the finishes, however, (one with rock gear and tricky drytooling, the other going right on pure ice) it seemed logical to me to treat them as separate climbs. how else to ID what you've climbed? "we did Air Care with the lefthand rock finish" is too awkward to bear...

2. again, yup. Fender Bender is the route that climbs the curtain between Air Care (in the corner to the left) and Icy BC (the main column in the centre). it doesn't form all the time, as you can see in the photo on page 143: Icy BC is a fat column, Fender Bender is a fringe of icicles, and Air Care/Hit and Run is hidden behind the tree at the left.

cheers, don

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