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South Sister in October


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I climbed South sister last weekend (22nd-23rd). Left Green lakes TH at 11am, got up to Morrane lake by 1230 or 1, and set up camp. As evning hit, it started getting quite windy and cold, by 8pm or so we were too cold to be socializing so we hit up the tents, durring the night it was quite windy, had one or two thoughts about having to abort the trip. Up at 440am to get the water boiling (the top inch or so had frozen), hit the trail at 6am, you half to walk around Morane lake (because the trail straight up the gorge, at the head of the lake is closed), we did not make it above the ridge for sunrise, but it would be very easy to do. There is a solid trail all the way up, no snow until the summit ice cap. The final push is quite loose, but other than that it is in great shape. Summited by 950, Back at the cars by 2.

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I'm thinking October 20th, but may wait till January and do it on Snowshoes. That would also give me a chance to get my Avi I cert. Currently it would just be what I've gained from the Mazamas basic climb program, and what I've learned from avi savi friends.

Edited by mbynum
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January you will have to snow shoe/skin basically from batchlor ski resort. If you are on skis you could get a tow from a slednecker for the price of a beer. If the road does not get closed and my schedual permits I would not mide heading up there later this month. Right now the only is the 27-28, but I might be headed to Reno and will not know for a couple of weeks.

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Go to the Mt Batchelor web site before you go, it is a thousand feet lower and a stones through away. They will have plenty of snow level updates. Then you should know what to expect.


It looks like we are off to a cool wet start this year.

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