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Tieton Qs?


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For those with Local Knowledge, please help fill in some gaps for me, in order of importance (much thanks in advance):


Q1: Do you still need a stupid permit to park near the Bend or Royal Col areas, and if so, where do you get it?

( Last time I was there, it was a diff. permit than the trial pass used 'round the Cascades--and I got a $60 ticket from the feds. )


Q2: Are dogs verboten at the crags?


Q3: Camping suggestions? Camped at Windy last time, lived up to its name and then some.


Q4: Hiking/trail running 'round there? The dog needs his exercise.

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You need a fish and wildlife permit. You should be able to get it at fred meyer, big 5, and maybe the small store in tieton on the drive in. You dont need an actual fishing license, just hte decal. It think it is ~$5, but I might be wrong (I buy an actual fishing license). This is the same permit as for vantage.


Dog's are allowed AFAIK, just watch out for snakes.

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I believe if you park on the road instead of a lot you don't need a permit. That's always worked for me, but maybe I've just been lucky.


There's ample free camping. One option is to turn on the dirt road just east of a bridge that crosses the river. It climbs a hill, and you should turn right at the first intersection. Road drops down a hill and runs along the river, stacks of free sites along that way.

Option B would be to go up the Soup Creek Road as per Lava Point, supposed to be good free camping up that way too, though I've never done it.


The one thing to worry about with dogs is the rattlesnakes. I haven't had any encounters the last couple times, but I've also had trips that average 3 snakes per day, so make your own call. I've always chosen to leave my geeky overly curious excessively in your face dogs at home, but your creatures may vary.

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thanks to all for the good info. It's been quite a few years.


yeah i'm concerned re: snakes too--hope they are less active in the predicted cool(er) temps. also will prob. have to leash our curious (but not overly geeky in-your-face) puppy/dog. oh, reminds me, i recall reading about a bridge out (req. tyrolean) or somesuch nonsense--prob. repaired by now.


we'll just have a look. thanks again.



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OW gave you the righteous beta, fer sure. You don't need a permit if you park along the road. Look for the galvanized steel bike rack and park in that pull-out (for Royal Columns). It's free. Peeps are right about needing a Fish & Wildlife permit if you use the lots at RC, The Bend, Vantage, etc. If you go to The Bend, don't park in the lot where the Quonset hut is. It's a $66 ticket. Park in one of the several steep "driveways" on the opposite side of the highway from the hut.


If you take OW up on his Option A for camping, you might run into scores of hunters camping out this time of year up there. It's the first bridge that crosses the Tieton River (more like a box culvert crossing => no superstructure), and will be the first bridge you come to after Windy Point CG. If you go around the sharp bend to the left and come to the second (brown) bridge, ya done gone too far. I don't hunt, but I think the season's on, or very near on. What this does is put hunter wannabes out there scoping the terrain/kill prospects for when the season does come in. But the camping's free.


Alternatively, to avoid the extra driving, you can drive up the gravel road directly opposite Royal Columns (identified by the chain link fence and gate across it). It ends up in a short bit at a nice open meadow with chossy cliffs around it. You won't get locked in. At least, I've never heard of anyone ever getting locked in. Tons of good camping by following OW's Option B, too. Tons!


Rattlers should be bedding down by now, what with the low temps at night/early morning up that way, but a curious pooch might manage to root one out if he works at it long enough...


All bridges are in at RC, The Bend, and Moon Rocks. The Tyrolean is so last (5) years.


Drederek is correctomundo about the trail. It's the Tieton Nature Trail. Well defined and would make for a good mtn. bike/trail run with the canine. See here.

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