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[TR] Avery Park Corvallis - Quercus garryana and Juglans nigra 9/16/2007


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Trip: Avery Park Corvallis - Quercus garryana and Juglans nigra


Date: 9/16/2007


Trip Report:

The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture had it's annual climbing competition in Avery Park.


If you are not familiar with the rules of the competition keep in mind that you must use safe climbing techniques by ISA standards, and you can not use any tactics that would damage the tree more than breaking a twig. If you are familiar with loggers climbing poles keep in mind that spurs/gaffs/spikes are not allowed and you would get a DQ before you left the ground.


Rich H giving a talk before the event starts



The judge gets a mobile device for judging in the air.


I've seen these things in magazines. They have been around for a short time. Basically the device is a mobile bucket truck that you can drive into a backyard. I've used plenty of bucket trucks, but nothing off road.


One event is the footlock. In competition you do it on top rope, but in the real work world you just tie a prusik knot around the rope, or if you're really old school you solo.



Another event is the Rescue.


Dan Kraus helping out the dummy.


View from a distance of the 2 walnuts used for the work climb and the masters challenge



Both the work climb and the masters challenge involve climbing through an entire tree and ringing some bells.


here is a contestant and judge.


In the last competition I was in in (in this park) in '97 we used the larger walnut for the competition. In the old days there was only one work climb event. You had to start from the ground and climb the tree and ring some bells and then hit the ground safely. For the last few years the work climb starts from the top of the tree and ends on the ground; after elimination the best 5 climbers have to climb a tree from the ground.


Standing near the end of the comp.



There are 2 other events in the competition. One is the speed climb which is similar to the footlock except you can use branches and the rope to pull yourself up. The second event that I don't have pictures of is the throw ball where you throw a weighted bag over a limb from 50 to 70 feet above you and then pull your climbing line into the tree.


I first met Dan Kraus about 12 years ago. For the past 12 years he has won the PNW comp until this year when he had a couple problems and lost to this guy from Kelowna BC. It's too bad since Dan has also won the International Competition once a few years ago.


I haven't competed in a few years, but it's always fun to hang out with the group and there were a ton of educational classes that the chapter sponsored on the OSU campus. Fun times. :tup:


Approach Notes:

I drove the Chevy down I-5 to Salem and then headed to Buena Vista. I checked out the new paint job on the chip truck that Vern did after he bought it from me. We drove to Avery Park the next morning.

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I've competed in 5 or 6 competitions back in the 90s; it's a pretty fun thing to do. More recently I've been in the role of judge. The best one I judged was at Volunteer Park in Seattle where the competition was for the international title. You have to win a regional event before you can take part in the international event. I believe the next big event is in St. Louis. This year our region will be represented by the fellow from Kelowna BC. Sorry I can't find his name.


Wayne, Sorry I'm not a professional photographer. The judge in the tree is just that, and the climber competing is in no way also a judge. Feel free to ask questions; rock/mountain climbing isn't quite the same as tree climbing.

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