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Here's a link to an interesting article:


Global Warming Deniers


Both sides like to look at the motivation behind the other's assertions. Read the article and examine who is behind the anti-global warming information campaign. Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty sure that an agenda driven by the desire to maintain insane profits through monopolistic holds on energy distribution is far more motivated and nefarious than some hippie who simply wants to stick it to big business. So whether you believe that the earth is in a natural cycle- and yes, it very could be to some extent- it is at the very least curious to consider the source of most "evidence" attempting to debunk global warming. When it's from industry tycoons paying scientists off to write bogus reports, and from well connected, obese radio talk show hosts who claim to know more about climatology than climatologists, that should raise some questions.


Now, go see this movie:




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It might be that those who choose to suck only at the left teat of MSNBC (your post) are the ones who aren't seeing the whole picture. Regardless, it isn't just "obese talk show hosts" or "industry-bought science" that is questioning the current popular/media orthodoxy re human-caused global warming. Go ahead and suck another breast from time-to-time...just to see how it tastes.

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...I know there are a lot of disbelievers out there. You could look at the whole thing from a different viewpoint. We're also sending a lot of our hard earned money off to the Middle East to pay for oil when we should be spending our money here in the US to come up with home grown solutions.



Now there's a reasonable answer. (For once) Free market, even! :cool: Unfortunately, it doesn't allow government to gain any additional control over the day-to-day lives of citizenry...which is really what all this global warming nonsense is mostly about.

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Both teats taste pretty good!


That's a good article, thanks for posting that.


In turn this leads to a good point: the whole issue of global warming being real/not real has resulted in a stalemate or at least, loggerheads, over any legislation related to emission controls and the progression of cleaner technologies. Because whether global warming is a major threat or not, these issues are in fact important to everyone the world over- wouldn't you agree?

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Free market, even! :cool: Unfortunately, it doesn't allow government to gain any additional control over the day-to-day lives of citizenry...which is really what all this global warming nonsense is mostly about.


So what would you suggest as a policy, in terms of emissions control and pollution standards? Should there be any regulation on industries that have potential to pollute? And who should decide that? The polluter? Should there be any accountability and oversight?

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So what would you suggest as a policy, in terms of emissions control and pollution standards?

32 mpg by 2014 - period.
Should there be any regulation on industries that have potential to pollute?
I don't how to break this to you...there already are!! And it's part of the reason so many jobs have gone overseas.
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So what would you suggest as a policy, in terms of emissions control and pollution standards?

32 mpg by 2014 - period.


Not bad, although if not for decades of resistance from oil and auto industries it could already have surpassed that value a long time ago, and without long term financial detriment to either industry. I remember cars in the 80's getting 40-50 mpg. How is it that mpg standards have in fact declined? I don't buy this pessimist/can't-do attitude of "it's too expensive", "it's impossible".



Should there be any regulation on industries that have potential to pollute?
I don't how to break this to you...there already are!! And it's part of the reason so many jobs have gone overseas.


Your tone suggests that you think there ought not to be any. Am I wrong?


It's funny, I was going to suggest that the energy industries are in fact already an arm of the government, given that their money and lobbyists essentially dictate government policy. Yes, there are regulations in place. But for example, mpg standards haven't been amended since 1975, while the number of vehicles and the population have increased dramatically, while technologies have also advanced.


Aren't jobs going overseas because wages are cheaper? I'm sorry I'm not an economist, but how is this outsourcing a direct result of the regulation of polluting emissions? industry has to pass off the costs by not hiring American workers?

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it doesn't allow government to gain any additional control over the day-to-day lives of citizenry...


Why is it somehow preferable to have that same meddling control instead be wielded by energy monopolies that arbitrarily inflate prices of oil, electricity, etc- which in turns causes prices of everything (food, etc.) to go up- and which are simultaneously rolling in record profits each quarter and providing their CEO's with $400 million dollar "bonuses"? Doesn't this level of power in fact control the "day to day lives of citizenry", except that the citizenry has no real recourse to change that policy?





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