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A2 pulley tear advice


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OK. I haven't pulled mine yet, but I hear this is a fairly common (and serious) injury when people start ramping up the training.


If you tore yours what happened? What would you have done differently?


I am stressing everything more these days (weighted pullups and climbing, dynamic bouldering, harder (for me) redpoints) but am also trying to take basic precautions (rest days, stretching, no single-digit work, no campus boards).


Advice appreciated.





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I've had three finger tendon injuries; all occured while pulling plastic.


I would advise not pulling plastic.


If you must pull plastic, make sure you warm up and stretch out your fingers prior to doing anything hard.


But really, it's summertime. Go outside.



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I have had one and it occured outside on rock. I don't believe that pulling plastic is the problem, it probably has to do more with not warming up properly, not streching and not paying attention to soreness or aches.


When I blew my tendon, I hadn't warmed up properly nor long enough.


I would agree with AF that proper warm up is key. Do something short and aerobic to get your blood flowing. Start with easier climbs and rest inbetween even on the easy ones before hopping on harder stuff. Pay attention to your body, if you have some soreness from previous workouts, then it might not be the day to hop on hard stuff.

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