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Difficult Non-climbing Maneuvers in the Alpine?


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Trying to keep your eyes off the cute French girls climbing the next route to you when climbing with your SO.




See for me I think the difficult maneuver would be, trying to keep my eyes on the cute French girls climbing the next route over without my SO noticing.

Man, you like to take big risks! :grin:
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Trying to get your lead head screwed back on level after talking about "relationship issues" with with your SO/climbing partner on the approach




"on belay, bitch"


Been there, done that. :lmao: :lmao:



Good idea to check the "special calendar"(yours AND hers) before planning climbing trip.

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Good idea to check the "special calendar"(yours AND hers) before planning climbing trip.


That, specifically, was the cause of a partner's meltdown on the eighth pitch of the East Face of Pingora.


Hormonal fluctuation/imbalance can be a bitch on an alpine wall.

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