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Strange that the article does not acknowledge that it appears to be a predatory attack. It certainly sounds like it to me, particularly considering the earlier encounter by the same bear. I'd feel really bad if I were the earlier person who was attacked and had the means to kill the bear, but didn't - only to have it come back and kill a child.


If you had been attacked and had the means to kill the bear? Huh? Ever been charged by a bear? Have you even seen one? The last thing on your mind after a 300 lb bear charges you is going after it. In fact you are more likely to do something irrational, like pull your wife in front of you (I can attest to this :blush:) , rather than act tough.


The article doesn't say much... the family says there was no food but interviews with USFS staff hint at a food source. They don't say much -- i.e. - was there food in the tent? Did the kid eat smelly hots dogs, drip ketchup all over his shirt and then go to bed in it? Was the campground clean or was there trash and food everywhere so the bear was used to eating junk?


Bear attacks in Alaska are a summer norm. At least everyone knows someone (or knows someone who knows someone) who has been mauled. And virtually anyone who steps outside has stories of being charged (there is currently a bear in town that is charging bikers on a well used bike path). For the most part when an attack happens the press is good about explaining why... food, smelly cloths, kids covered in honey for a photo etc..


Except for a handful of very high profile incidents it is virtually unheard of for a bear to attack a human as a food source if that bear has not in some manner become accustomed to humans as food sources. In this case it is obvious the campground and surrounding areas have become a magnet for bears - and I'd guess that it's due to trash - be it trash left in trash cans, smoldering hot dogs in fire pits or coolers left out on picnic tables.


In short it sucks for all involved; for the family, for the kid, for the bear and for future bears that will be shot by trigger happy rednecks out of fear of being mauled.

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