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what time of day is best to climb to Muir


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so i have a couple peeps who are rather green to climbing mountains and elevation. i'd like for them to respectfully hear from peeps other than i what time of day is best to be heading out to Muir this time of year. and how long it will take for them to get there and back... considering they are in good shape, been trained on lower elevations and snow... but just not higher ground.

Edited by justferfun
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I'd say the average person takes 4-6 hours to get there. Ive only returned on skis which takes around an hour. I'd say 2 to 3 hours at the most to return on foot. However, it kinda depends on the pace you set, conditions, and approach method. Ive heard some people can get up there in less than 2 hours. As far as what time to leave, I usually like to leave the car by 9am.

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thanks, that was my assumption on time, i kind of like to leave by 8 personally ... we are going to try to get up there Memorial day and see how far they get. They want to get up Adams late July (not that that is do difficult) but, I figure a good trip up to Muir would be a nice precurssor.



anyone else?

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Any time you get up there will be fine. If it is sunny and warm, it may turn sloppy early in the day and even 8:00 may be a bit "late" if you want the easiest hiking conditions. If it is cloudy or windy or cold, you'll want a later start to keep warmer and hope that maybe the surface won't be icy. If you want to watch a sunset, you'll want an even later start but then you may run into a gate at Longmire. Of course, if you want to start early you might run into that same gate....

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hummmm true... true... i'm watching the weather... looks good and cold at the moment... but you know how that is.


has anyone been up there very reciently... is the snow still at Paradise or is it up any? if so were you wishing snowshoes or were boots and crampons all you needed?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm debating the start time issue as well. Some friends, my husband, and I are also trying to make it down to Muir as a trainier for Adams. One thought we had was to try and simulate our start time for Adams (EARLY).


However, now the weather at Muir isn't looking so great...so maybe we don't worry about it this weekend!

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