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we could figure out when kevbone's prodigous posting started but it really doesn't matter.


kevbone-- the obvious difference between you and arch is that you focus a high percentage of your posts on responses to anything Arch posts. She spreads the love around and doesn't realy respond all that often to you.


FTR -- kevbone has ~ 20 posts prior to 4/25/2006. it appears that his first posts were in 10/05.


based on this information we can assume that it took kevbone 10 months to figure out how to type and post.


thanks Minx. that is pretty much what i suspected.

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Minx has a lot more records than I do. All I can say is Arch has been posting a hell of a lot longer than you Kev.


When it comes to posting there's a wide variety of things that go on. Some parts of spray are serious, some are just bs. Kev you spend a little too much time obsessed with Arch. Just look at your quoted location, "In Archenemys mind." First off you aint in her mind, secondly your obsession with Arch is disturbing to a lot of people.


You need to spend some more time doing stuff like your posts on music videos. Some of them were pretty good. I'm not into all the music you like, but those were much better than your sick obsession with Arch.



Edited by AlpineK
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Thanks for the nice words Off....Arch...you are really not one to talk about posting. You have more than twice the posts that I do and you repeatedly tell others off with profanity. Once again, pot calling the kettle black.


You didn't start actively posting until little more than a year ago, while she's been at it for almost four.

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