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Radioactive Kitty


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My cat, Spirit, had her I131 treatment for her hyperthyroidism. If you want to see her, click here, choose a camera (1,2,3,4) and look for a gray cat with the name Spirit on the cage. Mr. rmncwrtr had the kids convinced she would be glowing after the treatment, but she looks exactly the same. Huge sigh of relief on their parts. :) Of course the real chore will be keeping them away from her for 5 weeks when we pick her up on Friday. That's not going to be easy.

Edited by rmncwrtr
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Kitty-cams! I like that idea of being able to check on them while in hospital. That's a nice service to offer.


Glad to see that the patient is not glowing green. ;) (I bet you could photoshop one of the webcast images to achieve that, though, just to torment the kids. :fahq:)


Best wishes for Spirit's happy-homecoming!

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Thanks Sherri.


The kitty-cam is great, but a total time suck. LOL on the photoshop idea. :tup: That would be hilarious. Unfortunately I do not possess the skills to do such a thing and it would probably totally freak out my oldest, 9, whose eyes well up with tears at the mere mention of the cat. Thank goodness we headed to Bend to ski this week. It's been a great distraction for the kids!

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Yeah, better hold off on the photoshopping for the time being. Don't want to permanantly damage the kiddies. ("...and, Dr., I remember this one time, when I was 9yrs old and really sad, my mommy turned our kitty green....)


Sounds like you have everyone's best interest's at heart. That's a lucky family. ;)

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Sobo - if you get the url with a camera number, it continually updates. If you hit the kitty cam number then it is frozen at a specific time. At least that's been my experience. Those constant updates make me dizzy!


I pick Spirit up tomorrow at 11:30 am! Can't wait to see her. Her brother, Rocket, has to have this same procedure in a month or so, too. Today my 9 yo asked if that meant we got to go back to Bend to ski. She fell in love with powder and nearly drove mr. rmncwrtr insane yesterday afternoon with her only skiing in the trees when on groomed runs.

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