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Clinton Two faced


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K-fed I don't care about your boyfriend pic. I want some good laughs from these neo-dems. I want to hear from theses chicken littles. Much more entertaining.


Laugh at this:


I have a colleague I work with; she is 61 and about to retire. She has been putting money away in a savings type account (not sure which one) for over 40 years. She tells me she has been through 5 – 7 presidents in these 40 years. Seahawks, do you how these accounts work? You give someone your money and some years your savings grow others it goes down. Ok. That is the scoop.


She told me the other day that when ever there is a republican president, they loose money, and when there is a democratic president, there savings grow. This is not just once, but over 40 YEARS.


You can say all you want, but the proof is in the pudding.


I bet you will come back with some comment on my friend not knowing how to plan and save and blah, blah, blah. That is not the point.


Ok. Lets hear it


are you sure it doesn't have something to do with the number of pirates??


(and i think you meant 'their savings'...not 'there savings')

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K-fed I don't care about your boyfriend pic. I want some good laughs from these neo-dems. I want to hear from theses chicken littles. Much more entertaining.


Laugh at this:


I have a colleague I work with; she is 61 and about to retire. She has been putting money away in a savings type account (not sure which one) for over 40 years. She tells me she has been through 5 – 7 presidents in these 40 years. Seahawks, do you how these accounts work? You give someone your money and some years your savings grow others it goes down. Ok. That is the scoop.


She told me the other day that when ever there is a republican president, they loose money, and when there is a democratic president, their savings grow. This is not just once, but over 40 YEARS.


You can say all you want, but the proof is in the pudding.


I bet you will come back with some comment on my friend not knowing how to plan and save and blah, blah, blah. That is not the point.


Ok. Lets hear it


1st Lets see the proof. 2nd she hasn't taken the money out yet. Who will net her more when she takes it out? Someone who advocates higer or lower taxes?

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Um, I am pretty sure it doesn't matter what is "advocated". It depends on the type of account, the account owners current income, and the current tax rate for that type of income.


But then, that starts getting into that tricky math and accounting stuff that you don't seem to have a grasp on.

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Um, I am pretty sure it doesn't matter what is "advocated". It depends on the type of account, the account owners current income, and the current tax rate for that type of income.


But then, that starts getting into that tricky math and accounting stuff that you don't seem to have a grasp on.


Well I assumed that It was tax free saving account (like 401K) since he didn't say. But the point still stands. He is counting the chickens before there hatched if its pre-tax.


and then again he/she could end up like all the people in the 20's jumping out of windows when everything crashes.


Also #1 like to see his proof.

Tell this to all the people on the Capital gains tax.

Edited by Seahawks
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Um, I am pretty sure it doesn't matter what is "advocated". It depends on the type of account, the account owners current income, and the current tax rate for that type of income.


But then, that starts getting into that tricky math and accounting stuff that you don't seem to have a grasp on.


Well I assumed that It was tax free saving account (like 401K) since he didn't say. But the point still stands. He is counting the chickens before there hatched if its pre-tax.


and then again he/she could end up like all the people in the 20's jumping out of windows when everything crashes.

Well, seeing as how the 401K WASN'T AROUND forty years ago, that is a pretty stupid assumption.

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1st Lets see the proof. 2nd she hasn't taken the money out yet. Who will net her more when she takes it out? Someone who advocates higer or lower taxes?


Proof? This is just my word against yours. You will have to just believe me. It is a true story. This conversation with her happened about 6 month ago.


Not sure how to respond to your other comments. All I know is she tells me when she looks at her portfolio during a democratic rule, it has gone up. And the opposite would be for a republican rule. Now she is in no means wealthy. So to vote republican would not be in her best interest. Those are her words. I agree.


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Um, I am pretty sure it doesn't matter what is "advocated". It depends on the type of account, the account owners current income, and the current tax rate for that type of income.


But then, that starts getting into that tricky math and accounting stuff that you don't seem to have a grasp on.


Well I assumed that It was tax free saving account (like 401K) since he didn't say. But the point still stands. He is counting the chickens before there hatched if its pre-tax.


and then again he/she could end up like all the people in the 20's jumping out of windows when everything crashes.

Well, seeing as how the 401K WASN'T AROUND forty years ago, that is a pretty stupid assumption.


You know arch you may be cute, but I think everyonce in a while you need a little fuck off. :) Good point.


I was just trying to answer his Vague shit.

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Furthermore, the 401K is not a savings account, it is an investment account. Big difference as (in general) savings accts are FDIC and investment accts aren't.


and if his friend is point there money into an saving account for 40 years i would say the are a stupid ass.

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You just don't get it, do you? I am starting to think you are as lame as KEvbone.


And bringing my appearance into a discussion like this is even lower than I thought you'd go.


Well It not really. I think you have a big ego becuase the guys just lay down for you. Anyone talks shit to you, you get all offended. I've seen your type. Always get what you want. spoiled. Can you handle the truth. Now you can ignore be like K-bone. But I might agree with him your just a "B"

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I was just trying to answer his Vague shit.


You are correct. It is vague. I was not trying to be explicitly specific. This was just a conversation with a normal tax abiding citizen who was trying to bring an issue to point with me. I thought I would share it with you being you seem to lean toward conservatism.

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I was just trying to answer his Vague shit.


You are correct. It is vague. I was not trying to be explicitly specific. This was just a conversation with a normal tax abiding citizen who was trying to bring an issue to point with me. I thought I would share it with you being you seem to lean toward conservatism.

He needs to argue with what was clearly empirical evidence b/c he couldn't possibly debate with facts. Not your fault. Thanks for the story, I think it is good food for thought.

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I was just trying to answer his Vague shit.


You are correct. It is vague. I was not trying to be explicitly specific. This was just a conversation with a normal tax abiding citizen who was trying to bring an issue to point with me. I thought I would share it with you being you seem to lean toward conservatism.


and I honestly tried to answer with what info I had.


and back #1 where the proof of this? Fucking Carter murdered things. I like to see the proof.

Edited by Seahawks
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I honestly tried to answer with what info I had.


Thanks. Please answer the following questions:


Did you vote for Bush in one of both of the last elections?


Will you vote republican no matter who is on the ticket?


Do you drive a huge truck to compensate for your small penis?


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I honestly tried to answer with what info I had.


Thanks. Please answer the following questions:


Did you vote for Bush in one of both of the last elections?


Will you vote republican no matter who is on the ticket?


Do you drive a huge truck to compensate for your small penis?


Yes I voted for him. Come on Clinton or Kerry?


No I will not vote Rep no matter what. I hope its not Hillary or I will be.


Yes I drive a Ford F-150 to go along with my Large penis.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.

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well...you got your morning wish, seahawk....


Exactly, lol dam. Back to conspiracy of the DEM's


I personally do not see a conspiracy. The Bush crime family has not been smart in covering up there mistakes. They will all be punished in due time.


Okay for my humor list the crimes please.


I'm waiting or is the list that long?

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