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HardGore Liar


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So virenda7 are you suggesting that I should worry about the way I live and quit hating others for the decisions they make? Are you suggesting that I should merely show love and understanding to those with whom I disagree, rather than hate and insult them? Are you suggesting that if some says something seemingly insulting toward me, I should find a way to forgive them and find the good in them (Sherri21)? I will have to ponder those suggestions.

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do what YOU feel is right. if you are honest you will use your heart to 'feel' . that will guide you further than any mediatized 'story'

dont make the discussion about YOU ,all the time.


like stfu and turn the lights out, light a candle , shut your mind and travel the universe . i dunno , 'enjoy ' the last days of your life.






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