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Snoqualmie Ice


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I was up at Snoqualmie yesterday to climb Chair; here's some photos of some ice in the valley. I apologize if I've misnamed the routes (never climbed these before).


I think this was Kiddie Cliff; in any case, it was pretty close to the parking lot and on the west side of the valley.



Bryant Buttress looked fat, though the slopes above were still pretty heavily loaded.



Source Lake Line was beautiful; maybe one of you hardmen should climb it soon...



Happy Trails!


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Id be up for the source lake line. Ive heard that thing called everthing to big blue to phyco piller. I hiked out there yesterday by myself and it look good.Id be into tr-ing it or leading it eather way. I went to Banks last weekend and did 3 tr no hang laps on the Cable on sat. Its easy to go around to get the tr so we just did that. not working right now so im free anytime. I thought id give this a shot to find someone whos into going out there.

Edited by sadwingsofdestiny
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