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Soft Robbery


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I was getting getting some fuel last night at a local mart, and I saw a cop get into her car and drive away, so when I paid, naturally I asked the woman what happened.


Some guy came in and got a 6-pack of beer and a pack of smokes. He tried his debit card, didn't work, then a credit card to no avail.

He told the woman he had to call his bank and would be back in a minute. When he came back in, he handed her a piece of paper, both cards and his license and said:

" Here's my drivers license and my cards. I am taking this beer and these cigarettes. That (pointing to the piece of paper) is where I will be. Please call the police in 5 minutes, and give them all of that.

It is the only way I can get clean."


As he left, she wished him a merry christmas, waited 5 minutes and made the call.


I was talking to a Public Defender at the pub this evening, and he immediately asked me if the guy was fat.

I said I didn't know, why?

A few years ago, some guy robbed a bank with the finger-in-the-jacket-pocket trick, walked two blocks, put the money in a planter, walked another block, and waited.

Same deal - needed to get clean, last option.


He thought it was the same guy, as he had only been out 4 months

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