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12/9 Smith Rock 1986 Movie/Dosage IV Eugene


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Hey Western Oregon climbers!

On Saturday December 9th, Backcountry Gear will be hosting long-time Smith local Mike Volk's video presentation of his documentary "Smith Rock 1986: The Birth of U.S. Sport Climbing." Witness the explosion of Sport Climbing at Smith Rock in the mid 1980s. Powerful and influential climbers of the time climb some of the Park's most famous routes, clad in bad lycra and super-sick mullets. Volk has documented this radical evolution in sport climbing over the last couple decades.

The 45 minute Smith Rock 1986 features climbers Alan Watts, J.B. Tribout, Todd Skinner, Beth Wald and many others. A couple clips from Josh Lowell's Dosage IV will follow.


The movie will be presented here in our new retail space (on a bigger screen this time.) Admission is free, as well as the BEER, WINE, Non-A Drinks, and FOOD. Come on down! The show will start at 7:30. Get here early for a seat, and while the IPA on tap is still pouring. Our new address is 1855 W 2nd Ave IN EUGENE.


See you there!




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I heard this film was amazing. A few friends saw it at the train depot in Terrebonne a few weeks back. Question, it does not highlight East Face of the Monkey in the flyer, but I assume that is Watts on East Face in the flyer photo? Also, is the East Face highlighteed in the film at all? Hope this comes to PDX.

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Ryland -

Turns out the climber is J.B. Tribout, not Watts. And I'm not certain of the exact content of the flick. It's my impression that the East Face is not a part of the film, but I'll have to see it myself to comment. Sorry Eugene's so far from pdx.


Mike S

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