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Snow-free camping on the Snow Dome??


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Thinking of heading up with the wife next week to Olympus and was thinking of making it a longer trip with some time spent camped up on the snow dome. Since it has been awhile since I was last up there, does anyone know if there are snow-free tents sites up by the research hut (perhaps with running water nearby)??? I seem to recall that some spots melted out later in the year, but my memory is foggy. Just wondering if we would need the double pads and extra fuel for melting snow . . . .Thanks for any info!!





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There is water running across rocks at various places, including 2/3 of the way up to Snow Dome from the lower glacier. That would still be 500 feet lower than the weather station. You may find something much closer.


There is plenty of snow-free ground near the weather station now. We didn't go over there so I don't know if it is flat or if there is running water nearby. You can always melt snow. FYI, another way to melt snow is with solar power: bring large black garbage bags, lay them out, and place snow on them to melt in the sunshine.


We know a group that spent the night up on the false summit as well 2 weeks ago. There is a flat spot that would be quite spectacular!



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Tank up on water lower down and camp on the false summit, weather permitting. The views in the Olympics get no better than this spot on clear nights. Otherwise yes, there are a few flat areas around the IGY hut, and probably a flow of melt water just a short walk onto the snow dome during the heat of the day. Another viable spot a little lower is Caltech rocks at the base of the snow dome. Not sure if it is melted out yet. Others here might know.

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