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I just did 11 miles on Big Beaver last week from Ross Lake to past Luna Camp. The bugs are not bad until you stop....then they find you. Deet and a tent will be necessary. The trail is mellow and you'll see some REALLY BIG TREES!


Big Beaver is closed to camping right now due to bears. You can still get picked up/dropped off though. The last boat ride is 6:00 pm. Advanced reservations mandetory.


If I may be so BOLD...I highly suggest you reverse direction! Go from Hannegan to Ross Lake. You'll be much happier taking a nice swim and hanging out in the sun when you get done vs arriving in a dusty parking lot. Also, If there is marginal weather, it will only improve heading east. Take a quick spin up Whatcom Peak on the way. You'll have an AMAZING view from up there!

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Originally posted by David Parker:

If I may be so BOLD...I highly suggest you reverse direction! Go from Hannegan to Ross Lake. You'll be much happier taking a nice swim and hanging out in the sun when you get done vs arriving in a dusty parking lot. Also, If there is marginal weather, it will only improve heading east. Take a quick spin up Whatcom Peak on the way. You'll have an AMAZING view from up there!

But then the most brutal part of the trip is the last few hundred feet of up from the dam to the hwy. You reach Big Beaver camp and see it's only 7 more miles to the lake... you haul ass up a knob, contour around the lake, and then get to the dam, thinking you're back in civilization again... but not quite yet.

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