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Best dinner I ever had


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This was a few years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday, got up on a saturday morning tired from work ,blasted over to the Coulee to climb ( I allways eat light on climbing days) ate hardley nothing all day, climbed hard ( for an old fat man that is )caught a buzz partying around the pit with friends , the wind was a howl'n so when my girlfriend made Hamburgerhelper it was burnt on the bottom and the noodles wern't fully cooked....but man did we all chow down!

It was a weekend to remember

I was haveing a little Tequlia relax-zation and thought I would share

LUCKY wave.gifbigdrink.gif

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I forgot to mention it was grity from the sand blow'n into the mix.

The point being here is, it was like a cold beer bigdrink.gif on a hot day.

It's not what it was but the way it come about.Like that warm shower after a cold wet day outside or bagg'n that summit on the 3rd, 4th ...ect try

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It was 1944 on the bank of the Columbia River near Kennewick, a friend and I cooked a rib steak on a piece of rusty tin - No steak sauce, no plate, just a knife to cut pieces - It was burnt in places and raw in others - But we were 10 years old and cooked it ourself - We were MEN !!! and it was good

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