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[TR] Elephants Perch- Sunrise Book (III 5.10 C1 or 5.12-) 8/27/2005


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Climb: Elephants Perch-Sunrise Book (III 5.10 C1 or 5.12-)


Date of Climb: 8/27/2005


Trip Report:

Long time fan, first time TR poster...


Climbed Sunrise Book (aiding the 12- crux) with my wife. Thanks to NOLSe for emailing me the topo. Had the pleasure of running into retired and co. at Saddleback Lakes (much thanks for Astro beta which we did not get a chance to use on this trip smile.gif )

Found the route quite hard and sustained. We were slow on it! The rock is amazingly clean and solid all the way up! Took a 15 foot fall on pitch 1 when I went too high on the face traverse. Was happy to have the green Alien not pull out despite bad placement. Amazing place and an awsome formation!


Couple of shots:




Gear Notes:

Hard route for us so take this with a grain of salt:


doubles from green to red Alien.

triples from #.75 to #2 Camalot

double #3 Camalots

single #3.5 Camalot


Approach Notes:

Shuttle boat across Redfish Lake is too good to pass up (saves ~4 miles I think). From the marina at the far end of the lake, the hike up is on good trail and took us 2 hrs. at leisurely pace. We belayed the short mid-5th chimney in the approach gully.

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Thanks Ireneo. It's a beautiful area - hard to take a bad shot out there smile.gif


retired - we were sorry that we did not get a chance to talk to you directly (it would've been a priviledge for us!). We got a chance to chat with the guys that were with you. Helluva nice crowd!! Greatly appreciate the Astro beta they gave us (hoping to work up the nerve for it by next summer).


mvs, yahoo puts it a 15 min shy of 10 hrs. I90 to I82 to I84 to ID 21 just east of Boise. The town you're aiming for is Stanley, ID. The time it quotes from PDX is pretty accurate.

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John, I climbed Astro Elephant or somthing pretty much like it after 4 days tuning up at The City, had to get my partner back to Hood River so we parted from our other two buds and left early. I should have taken you up on the offer for the topos, the one we had for Astro was way off and the route finding is a bit challenging with all the traversing off the ledge.

FGW, was hoping you guys might have seen the camera but we took Tree's camera on the perch and he got some great shots...guess i'll have to post somehing in the lost and found and suffer the mockery and ridicule there. I did have the forethought to include a card with my name and number in the camera case and still hold onto some hope. Jim

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