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Ptarmigan Traverse South Exit Route


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Does anyone have any route info on the feasibility of a high traverse from the summit of Dome to Canyon Lake (north of Image Lake on Miner's ridge)? Our party wants to exit the PT via Miner's Ridge and head East to Bonanza and on out via Holden Village/Lake Chelan.

Otherwise, what is the current trail and road conditions for an exit down Downey or Sulpher Creek?


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We got rained out the second day of our traverse. The weather didn't look all that promising the third morning either,

and hence we retreated from our camp at White Rocks lake and followed the Downey creek all the way down

(Beckey talks about this escape from the PT). We gained a high pass (~ 6500') West of White Rocks lake, and from

there, we basically followed the Downey creek, keeping to its South side (on its left side while going down).

There are some high rock cliffs to descend at ~ 4800'. These are quite vertical, but there is enough vegetation to

hold on to. The last bit of bare rock was interesting, but we managed without using a rope.

From there, it took us close to six hours of heavy bushwhacking to hit the intersection of Bachelor's creek and

Downey creek (where the trail starts). No major suggestions on that - just choose the path of least resistance,

keep going, beat all the thorny bushes down, and still keep going grin.gif.


The trail from then on was a gradual roll down for six more miles. Overall, it took us a little over 12 hrs

to get to the car from camp.


NOLSe should be able to provide more details.

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Does anyone have any route info on the feasibility of a high traverse from the summit of Dome to Canyon Lake (north of Image Lake on Miner's ridge)?


Sure, that's a feasible route. I imagine that Beckey's guide has some details. I've skied it, but not walked it.


In a nutshell, you descend the Chickamin Glacier from the summit of Dome and cross the lowest col between Sinister and Gunsight. Traverse WSW and descend the basin south of Sinister Peak to Ross Pass. From there it's easy walking to Totem Pass. I don't think there are any real obstacles on the route, but it might be tricky in whiteout.


The Bachelor-Downey Creek trail is in pretty good shape. Stay south of the big avalanche clearing at the head of Bachelor Creek (which wiped out the trail a few years ago). Just stay in the woods--they're open and easy to descend.

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IT might be easier to go to Bannock lakes. Getting from Canyon to Bannock is a direct a short route, and getting from Bannock to the Agnes Creek TRail is also easy and direct. This puts you about 5 miles downvalley of Cloudy/Suiattle pass.

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Chickamin is super broken this year for it only being July. Could be spicy.


A way to save some miles on the traverse and still hit dome is go over the col west of elephant's head instead of going all the way up to spire and then climbing up the dome glacier. Search this site for a ptarmigan traverse TR by Terry McClain and he details it well (or PM me).


I would recommend doing the bachelor/downey creek hike out. It's long but it's trail. The slide path/avy debris starts at the top of the hidden valley. I have hiked directly down it (skiers left) and also done the "stay in the tree thing" and honestly they take about the same time. You can see where the old trail is most of the way down the slide path and follow it with the occasional tree to crawl over/under.


Hope this helps!

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I've done it on foot in the summer, twice. It's true, done it a fog is less fun, and takes a long time, even if you mostly know the way.


It's also true that the traverse of the Chickamin glacier could be interesting, It was quite broken-up both times I did it, and after a low snow year like this, could be even more interesting. I've always found a way, but it took a bit of wandereing about.


One needs to get across the ridgeline that runs from Sinister to Gunsight. Found the second time through that the easiest way is all the way to the left, just to the right of Gunsight. Easy gully up, easy slabs down. Other ways are shorter but might require raps on the way down. Once across, aim for a notch in the ridge on the east and south side of the main ridge, and then traverse south from there to Totem Pass. You do NOT pass through this notch, but rather turn left (south). It's generally easy travel if you can see where you are going. Below Totem pass, pick up a climbers path to Canyon Lake.


It's a nice trip out this way...hope you enjoy it.

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