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Cam hooks


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My $0.02 on cam hooks.


1. Leeper cam hooks rock, especially the fat chromoly unit

2. Pika camhooks suck ass.


I started with a couple of Pikas on City park about 6 months ago. On the very first placement the damn thing twisted and bent. On the second placement, it bent some more, went PING! and dropped me about 20 feet.


Then I got my hands on the Leepers. They are the shit. They flex a tiny bit, but they bite and hold. I have two of the regular size and two of the wides. I have no problem putting my big 200+ pound ass on one of those with a full-on aid climbing rack on.


Go back to ingoring me now.

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I like the Leepers too.

The thing that worries me about cam hooks is that sometimes you hear the rock crunch a little when you step on the aiders. Not worried so much about falling as

ruining the rock. The edges dig into the rock a little and possibly scar the crack after extensive cam hooking over the years. Possibly maybe. I try to use cams first, then stoppers, then cam hooks.

Cam hooking hasn't been around long enough to really notice the erosion from them. We'll see what happens. City Park will be a good place to look in a couple years.


Try putting a few Lowe Ballz or Ballznuts on your aiders with your cam hooks and see if there is that much of a time difference.


Edited by Bill_Simpkins
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