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rant: ebags forced tv guide subscription


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i recently ordered something from ebags.com. at the bottom of my confirmation it says my order automatically includes a subscription to tv guide. if i don't want the subscription i have to send a self-addressed stamped envelope (with proof that i paid for the order at ebags) to get a refund check. wtf.gif

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I think I'd reject the charge on the credit card and wait for them to contact me.

there's an idea. i think i'll wait for them to ship it first, though. wink.gif


(i did send a message to customer service politely telling them how i felt and what i wanted them to do about it. curious as to what their response will be ...)

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It's definitely best to not order anything via the internet, from anyone, ever. DFA's policy is to conduct all business by fax. It's great; you put a piece of paper in the thing, and not only does the paper appear at the other person's fax machine, but you get it back, too! It's like, part "The Fly" and part refutation of the foolish assertion that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Psh. As if! Come to think of it, you could get two fax machines, and set one up in the next room or whatever, and feed dollar bills, or, like, twenties through it if you had some, and then you'd get the bills that you put in, plus the ones that materialize at the second fax machine.


Give it up for science, y'all! wave.gif

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now that is a complete rip-off. What you should do is to find out their address and fill out all of those reply cards you get in magazines, junk mail and everywhere else with their address. That way they will get their fill of shit that they will have to reply to to get their names off the list.

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i recently ordered something from ebags.com. at the bottom of my confirmation it says my order automatically includes a subscription to tv guide. if i don't want the subscription i have to send a self-addressed stamped envelope (with proof that i paid for the order at ebags) to get a refund check. wtf.gif


Bags and TV Guide? Makes sense to me. After I get myself a new bag, I tend to watch a lot of TV. If they really wanted to make a convenient one-stop shopping experience, they'd throw a bag of cheetos into the deal.



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ebags wrote:

We apologize for the confusion. You have not

been charged anything for

this subscription, and it is a gift directly from

TV Guide. We

apologize this gift was not made more clear in

the shopping cart during

checkout, but it was listed. There is no extra

or hidden cost involved.

The refund mentioned is simply an offer to get a

rebate from TV Guide

directly if you do not want the gift, but you

were never charged any

amount of this subscription. Please note the

following information

listed on our site concerning this promotion:


"Only valid to customers with a valid eBags order

during promotional

time period. Your paid order includes a 13 issue

subscription to T.V.

Guide. Your subscription will be processed as

soon as your order is

confirmed! There are no hidden obligations and

you will not receive any

bills. The cost of your subscription is included

in your order. If you

later decide that you do not want a subscription

to T.V. Guide, we will

send you a check for $2.50. To receive this

refund, send a self

addressed stamped envelope to: eBags Unsubscribe,

PO Box 682108,

Franklin, TN 37068. Make sure to include a copy

of your credit card

statement verifying your paid order along with

Proof of Purchase. Refund

requests must be received within 90 days of your

eBags purchase. Your

first issue of T.V. Guide will arrive in 8-10

weeks. At no time will any

credit card number be shared ? this is a paid

subscription with no

hidden obligations."


We apologize for any inconvenience this has

caused you.


ebags says "rebate" ...

tv guide says "refund" ...

i say "whatever" ... rolleyes.gif it's still a shoddy business practice in my view!

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i wanted to add that i ordered from them because i found a link to their site where i could save 25% off of their sale prices, so even after shipping it was still cheaper than buying the item from a place offering free shipping. for anybody interested, that link is: www.ebags.com/friends/cshreffler ... just be prepared for your new subscription to tv guide. tongue.gif

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