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ANOTHER Fatality On Whitney! [Climberfrom Oregon]


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From a new thread of the same title on SuperTopo.com :


10 April 2005-


Patrick Wang (last name unconfirmed) died after an attempt at glissading off of the MR top couloir. A group was camped at Iceberg Lake when 3 men descending the MR came and asked for a phone. They informed the group that one of their partners had gone over the NW face cliff after trying to glissade off the steep section just above the notch on the MR. One of the party members walked out to a point where they could get reception and phoned for assistance, which eventually came by helicopter on the morning of the 11th . Inyo SAR dispatch confirmed the recovey operation near Arctic Lake (Sequoia Nat'l Park side).


This is the SAME spot as last months tragic accident....!!




from summit post- "The climber's name was Patrick Wang. An outstanding photographer, poster on this site (patrickwang) and member of the Portland climbing community, who will be greatly missed by all of us."


his photographic work can be seen on his site


Patrick's Gallery


RIP brother


be careful out there, everybody

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Patrick was a friend of mine, and a great climbing partner. I've been numb with shock since I heard about his death.


When I saw him the weekend before last we made plans to climb Forbidden this summer together with some other friends, and talked about his plans for Whitney. He was really looking forward to climbing the Mountaineers Route.


He was one of the safest and most conscientious climbers I've known, which makes this even more of a shock. Words can't adequately convey the sense of loss.


Rest in Peace, Patrick.

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Patrick was a bright light, a real joy for a climbing partner and friend. Always had a smile on his face and a funny story to tell. Patrick and I shared many climbs, adventures and beers. His photos were always the best. He will be missed by many in PDX. I am so numb it is hard to even write a coherent sentence.


Rest in Peace.

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From this morning's NPS daily report


Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks (CA)

Climbing Fatality on Mount Whitney


Patrick W. Wang, 27, of Hillsboro, Oregon, fell to his death on Mount Whitney in Sequoia National Park on Sunday, April 10th. His body and personal property were recovered on Monday morning by a team of park rangers. Wang and his climbing partner were descending the Mountaineer’s Route after reaching the summit of the mountain when Wang started to slide and tumble out of control just above the area known at the “Notch.” His climbing partner and life-long friend, along with two other climbers on the same route, witnessed the fall. They were unable to make contact with Wang, who had fallen about 1,000 feet. The park received a 9-1-1 call reporting the accident on Sunday evening. Due to impending darkness and the need to procure a helicopter, the recovery team was flown to the vicinity of the accident on Monday morning. Wang’s body and his personal property were brought to the Ash Mountain helibase and released to the Tulare County Sheriff Coroner’s Office that afternoon. This was the second climbing fatality at this same location within a month. The cause of the fall is under investigation.

[submitted by Alex Picavet, Public Information Officer, and Bob Wilson, Law Enforcement Specialist]

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