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  • 1 month later...
thanks for the beta. lookin at taking a party of 4-6 up on Saturday. cheers!

Good luck on the weather. It's suppose to dump pretty good up there. Hopefully they're wrong and you have a great climb. bigdrink.gif

Good luck on the weather. It's suppose to dump pretty good up there. Hopefully they're wrong and you have a great climb. bigdrink.gif


couloir, this thread started 1 month ago.

2-6" is the prediction for this weekend...not ideal climbing weather, but not a dump.



"Sunny Friday. Increasing clouds Friday night. Increasing mostly rain or snow Saturday morning with rapidly lowering snow levels. Mostly light snow showers Saturday afternoon and evening. Decreasing light snow showers Saturday night ending by Sunday morning."

I was in that neck of the woods yesterday; about shin-deep powder from the Palmer on up, and the 'schrund was closed.


We were the party of three that came up the west side of Crater Rock (after bailing on Leuthold) and on up the left side of the crater wall. Were you the solo guy with the snowboard and MSR snowshoes?


BTW; while the schrund is closed, coming down the Hog's Back I noticed that someone had recently punched their foot through.

I was in that neck of the woods yesterday; about shin-deep powder from the Palmer on up, and the 'schrund was closed.


We were the party of three that came up the west side of Crater Rock (after bailing on Leuthold) and on up the left side of the crater wall. Were you the solo guy with the snowboard and MSR snowshoes?


BTW; while the schrund is closed, coming down the Hog's Back I noticed that someone had recently punched their foot through.


No, but I did see that gent up there. We were the first to the top that day; my g/f and I left the car at 12:30 fo get her first summit. Took until 7:15 to get to the top; one minute after sunrise (Yayyy for Megan! Good job, girl. Way to stick with it!) Goregeous views...anyway, we were back down on the hogsback at about 8, and there was a group coming up after us, but doesn't sound like you; they were following our tracks up from the top of the Palmer. Interesting that someone had punched through; what time was that at?


Also, I figured the conditions on the west side might be a little loose and sugary; is that what kept you off of Leuthold?


We went over to Illumination Saddle and checked it out at about 7:15. With the loose snow encountered from the top of the Palmer and the hissing sound of pebbles and frost coming down that side, we instead headed up the west side of Crater Rock and then up the west side of the crater wall with Pandora doin' most of the hard work through shin-deep snow. We were on top about 10:30 or 10:45.

I was sure wishing we would have taken skis like someone else in our party had suggested. That snow would have been perfect. Congrats to your girlfriend!

We went over to Illumination Saddle and checked it out at about 7:15. With the loose snow encountered from the top of the Palmer and the hissing sound of pebbles and frost coming down that side, we instead headed up the west side of Crater Rock and then up the west side of the crater wall with Pandora doin' most of the hard work through shin-deep snow. We were on top about about 10:30 or 10:45.

I was sure wishing we would have taken skis like someone else in our party had suggested. That snow would have been perfect. Congrats to your girlfriend!


Thanks! I'll make sure she sees this post wink.gif462571480024-med.jpg

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