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screw this..


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I had a thought just now, and I thought I'd get it out of my system.


Wouldn't it be interesting if God raptured all Christians during Bush's presidency? Wouldn't Bush also be raptured, and wouldn't that leave America without a leader, and in a precariously weak position after all the destruction caused by the loss of all the Christians as they are living their daily lives. It would be ten-thousand September 11ths, and nobody would know who to blame.


However, the liberals (who are probably not true Christians, based on their positions on a number of moral issues) would be in perfect position to take over the country and bring America in line with the world community in time for the world government under the Antichrist to surface (under the guise of the UN, perhaps).


That means that, although I recommended before in other posts that the Rapture was postponed because of the current leadership, the Rapture is still imminent. Christ can still come at any time. No leadership, either Christian or not, is exempt from the Rapture possibility. On that issue, I was wrong, and I admit it.


The possibilities are endless. Such are the ways of an almighty God. Blessed be His name! Maranatha!


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