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secret booty hide n' seek


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whilst out climbing the se corner at beacon today, i encountered a lovely, new black diamond cam (smaller than .5, blue sling). regretably i was soloing the route, so had no gear w/ me to extract the cam (whoever placed it buried it so deep the triggers are inaccesible w/o a nut tool...i tried improvising w/ a couple of stick w/o success). frustrated, i vowed to return friday w/ the proper tools. on the way home, i decided to make a fun challenge of it. the race is on: who can beat me there to grab the booty? the exact location will of course remain a mystery, and oh yeah, i camoflauged the crack extensively w/ grass.


see ya'll out there Geek_em8.gif

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whilst out climbing the se corner at beacon today, i encountered a lovely, new black diamond cam (smaller than .5, blue sling). regretably i was soloing the route, so had no gear w/ me to extract the cam (whoever placed it buried it so deep the triggers are inaccesible w/o a nut tool...i tried improvising w/ a couple of stick w/o success). frustrated, i vowed to return friday w/ the proper tools. on the way home, i decided to make a fun challenge of it. the race is on: who can beat me there to grab the booty? the exact location will of course remain a mystery, and oh yeah, i camoflauged the crack extensively w/ grass.


see ya'll out there Geek_em8.gif


Thanks Ivan:


Should have said something sooner, Joeseph and I were there on the rock Wednesday (9-29-04) and could have "assisted". grin.gif


If you said it's was an Alien offset I might have to take another day off work cause I was amazed where Joesph was plugging that stuff and getting bomber placements. Think I'd better buy some of em.


amazing. shocked.gif

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ah, you sad bastards, i'm afraid you're too late! after showing extreme alpine ingeniuty, having dropped the coathanger i was going to use as my second nut tool but improvising by using a shoelace from my climbing shoe, i retrieved the recalcitrant .3 black diamond cam from the bizarre placement just 40 yards shy of the railing on the trail from the party ledge finish to the se corner. let's play this game next week too. how 'bout somebody lose an orange alien up there? the .3 is the same size as my green alien!

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