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Did Subaru get some kind of special permit from the forest service to do this? Installing fixed lines, landing helicopters, hordes of people in wilderness areas, "checkpoints"... it all sounds kinda shitty to me.


Did Subaru have to pay the forest service anything for the use of the roads/trailheads etc?


It seems that a private company used public land for a promotional/for-profit event. What did we, the taxpayers, get out of this deal?

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I got a $500 check in the mail. Didn't you get one? I know mattp did too. I guess you were out of that loop, Pax.


Oh, and concerning the number of people at staging areas, Primal Quest didn't have hordes at Illabot Peak but that might depend on how many people make a horde. Let's see, 12 people make a crowd; 5 crowds make a horde; therefore 60 people make a horde. There were only 20 in the area by my unofficial count, so I think they were 3 crowds + 4 people short of a horde. grin.gif

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12 people make a crowd; 5 crowds make a horde; therefore 60 people make a horde.


I snort with derision at your mathematical computations you brush battling choss chuffing engineer. A "horde" is not a mathematically defined entity, but a feeling ... a sense of population out of step with the surroundings. Or, if you insist on a definition Mr. Right-brained, a "horde" is a "throng or swarm from the Turkish 'ordu' meaning camp". Did you take ANY liberal arts classes? Jeeeez.


In the case of Illabot Peak, I think any more than one lone peak-bagging, gonna climb the highest prominences with minimum projections of elevation within the eminences of altitudes-sort of person constitutes a "horde".




p.s. Will you share your $500 dollar check with me?



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you think Genghis only had 60 guys in that Horde? Pshaw rolleyes.gif




\Horde\, n. [F. horde (cf. G. horde), fr. Turk. ord?, ord[=i], camp; of Tartar origin.] A wandering troop or gang; especially, a clan or tribe of a nomadic people migrating from place to place for the sake of pasturage, plunder, etc.; a predatory multitude. --Thomson.



Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.





n 1: a vast multitude [syn: host, legion] 2: a nomadic community 3: a moving crowd [syn: drove, swarm]



Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

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