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Stuck rope at vantage


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Slow party was in front of us, took entirely too long to climb the pitch, then we hit an by the time my belayer was done cleaning the pitch it was dark as ink out. We couldn't find a set of rap chains, and rather than be faced with leaving gear behind and building a rap anchor in the dark, we (stupidly) decided to throw the rope and make the walk off. We got to the base of the climb and the rope was stuck mad.gif It was already nine o'clock when we got the the base of the climb and we had to stumble back to the car and grab the headlamp I forgot to pack. By the time we got back there we knew that the chances of retrieving the rope without a rap anchor and another rappell rope wasn't good. Anyways, I don't know the name of the climb, but it is a very popular 5.7ish chimney about 100 yards climbers left of the slot canyon that decends into the coulee. Retreiving it probably won't be too hard if you have another rope to rap the route with. If you can get to it, it's a 10.5x60 Bluewater with a dark blue sheath, in pretty good condition. If you find it or know someone that does I'd pay shipping plus if you ever come to Moscow Idaho I'll promise couch to sleep on and a no questions asked dedicated belayer. Thanks a bunch, Jake

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if ye wants yer rope, it'll cost ya a case of rainier (not busch [sorry about the confusion]). I yer ropes in e. washington, not far from vantage. i'll draw ye a treasure map. or we may be able to meet up at vantage. i am going to spring mountain this weekend (sat-sun). if you need an excuse to go climbing that is a good one.

i takes what i wants.

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