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Free Medical Care in the USA!


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A laborer on our job just got out of detox, a state-sponsored program, and has 100% medical coverage, so he just got a knee operation long overdue. Cost to him? $0


Basically, because he has no declared income, the state will pay his medical.


He suggested to me that one could say one has no income after checking into rehab, and if you were to get caught, going to jail would actually increase your benefit level!


Crime, drugs and alcoholism may not pay, but it get's you medical! thumbs_up.gif



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Its been pretty similar here in MN for years.


Any medical bills you had in the past could work against your income to qualify you for the state program. In addition, they were 3 months retroactive.


An example would be...you have an injury or illness and wind up in the hospital with it costing you 10,000bucks.Your income is 20,000. Subtract the 10,000 and you are now eligible for medical assistance for the next 6 months. Six months later...you still make the same amount of money, but cant use the same hospital bills again so you dont qualify, UNLESS...you rack up a bunch of medical bills. Kind of kooky if you ask me. Seems as if it encourages folks to stay sick (either mentally or physically).


Recently they changed the rules. No more medical bills worked against your income. Nothing is retroactive. Squeezed a lot of people who needed help outta they system.

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