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Newbies go Multi-pitch?


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R&D Route....weather looks pretty good. Vantage is the backup plan. When we work out the details, we'll post again so anybody who wants to come out can just show up.


We're goin climbin...we're goin climbin....we're goin climbin fruit.gif


Sorry, I sound like a total DORK, but this is my first trip beyond Exit 38! So I'm excited.

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The newbies haven't yet been tested on their scrambling skills. Someone ought to take them on something with a fair amount of third class on it to see how they'll do. Beckey Route would be a challenge if they haven't done any scrambling before. I'm sure they will all do fine though.


Your fuckin joking right or you are a joke? hellno3d.gifconfused.gif


Newbies if you can hike you can scramble. No tests none of that shite.

You guys crack me up. Of course I didn't mean test in the literal sense. Jees-louise.
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I already posted this on the "partners" newbie thread but figured I'd put it here too....


I'd like to do "da toof" if we could get an early start to beat the Mounties. Or I wouldn't mind just "practicing" on the mountaineers dome (buttress). Someone PM (or EM) me please if I can come too.


I have some experience (mostly sport craggs and alpine snow), have rack, can build 3-4-5 point mulitiDir anchors.


I been wanting to do the "Tooth" for a while now but it seems like most "rock gods" just yawn at it -yes I know its a 5.4, but it is exposed, it is multipitch , and it is a mountain. I'd probably do GNSlab too if that happens.


And hey, ther's now a weekly noobs "girls" climb, why not a ("politically correct" non gender specific ;-) "easy climbin" group type thing that meets every week or 2. This wouldn't mean you can just show up and be an idiot etc.. but just a group of *serious* climbers that still lack some of the experience that I have found at places like index LTW. I'm mean, not all climbers started out in Yosemite, are 5'10 140 lbs, are 20-30 years old and or mentioned in Jim Nelson books.


(BTW, I hope I don't get tagged as asshole for pointing this out - as I really would like to climb with you guys - but I've run into this kinda thing at index; A group of "experienced" climbers doing a 5.9 to 5.10+ route guy with their girl-friends or girls with their boy-friends, whatever. They were good *physical* climbers, but they were laughing and making jokes the whole time they were climbing and belaying. all the sudden I here "clink - whizzz - chink" etc..as a nut goes flying down nearly onto the belayer. The climber says "oops" to the group's chorus of laughter. Just minutes later - following more laughs and jokes - I hear "look out" and down comes what looked like a pack to me, again nearly missing the belayer. "Hey its getting dangerours down here" one of the group says, then more laughter. As I was there just to practice anchor building with my brother we decided to stay as far from these "experts" as we could. This is the kind of thing I'd like to avoid in a group climb, wether with experienced or novice climbers. CLIMB FIRST, PARTY LATER.





Edited by dmuja
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