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Van Gogh, etc at SAM


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Went to the show on Saturday and was amazed ! thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


The pointilists were stunning, "The Pines" by Bremmer was one of the most amazing pieces I have ever seen.


Not to mention the Van Goghs and excellent selection of Cubist art.


All in all, well worth the $15 and crowd. cool.gif

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First Friday of the month the SAM is free.


Also there is a pretty good exhibit down at TAM. Andrew Goldsworthy, he is environmental sculpturist, most of the exhibit consists of photographs of his sculptures.


Has anyone seen that movie about Andy Goldsworthy? He is like building some "environmental sculpture" and it collapses....and he starts swearing up a storm @#$@#$&@(#*$&@#(*...... it's pretty funny. I think the movie is "Working With Time" or something like that...

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