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Copying video to DVD and splitting them.


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To begin with, maybe this is easy stuff, but I'm not really so computer savvy, so please help!


I have some music cassettes, as well as video that I want to get transferred to CD or DVD. First off, where is a good place to get this done. Does London Drugs do this in BC?

Second, if I just give them the tapes and they burn them for me, is it possible for me to take the new DVD and splice the video footage (or music for that matter) into smaller tracks with some program from my own computer? I'd much rather take the time to do this myself rather than try to figure it out at the CD burning place.

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You can record the audio yourself by plugging a tape deck or walkman into the "line in" or "mic" jack on your PC. Windows includes audio recording software, I'm sure the Mac does, too.


You'll want the video saved as an uncompressed AVI file, which is the best format to use for additional editing. It is not the format used by video DVDs, but AVIs can be saved to a data DVD. Both Windows Xp and the Mac OS include software for editing movies. Windows Movie Maker is basic, but remarkably able given that it is free. I'm not sure if WMM will let you author a video DVD (this is a surprisingly complicated task for software), but most consumer DVD burners include rudimentary authoring software.


MVS and PhilF have created some great shorts. Video editing is a blast but can really suck up hard drive space and time.


Good luck-



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